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New posts in actionbarsherlock

SearchView taking all the space in the new ActionBarCompat

How to manage the width of ActionBar navigation tabs?

How can I remove title and icon completetly in Actionbar sherlock?

android actionbarsherlock

Hiding of the Toast for long press on actionBar item

Eclipse will not recognize project as library (ActionBarSherlock/ViewPagerIndicator)

Error after adding dependencies to Action Bar Sherlock in Android Studio 0.5.8

Actionbarsherlock + tabs + multi fragments?

Is actionbarsherlock needed anymore?

ActionBarSherlock + maven + eclipse: dependency not found in workspace

Android - Actionbar Sherlock - Search Filter

Setting splitActionBarWhenNarrow from Java on Android

Only display tabs in action bar

ActionBarSherlock gives tons of "Call requires API level 11 (current min is 7)" errors

android actionbarsherlock

error: Attribute "***" has already been defined when using two library projects in Android

ActionBar or ActionBarSherlock - Smoothly Hide / Show the ActionBar

How can I focus on a collapsible action view EditText item in the action bar (when it is expanded) and force the soft keyboard to open?

ActionBar Sherlock Menu Item OnClick

Android ActionbarSherlock SearchView

android actionbarsherlock

How can I add an Action Bar Item during run time

Position view below action bar with overlay