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New posts in actionbarsherlock

Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/actionbarsherlock/R$attr

Smoother transition from fullscreen activity using ActionBarSherlock

Smooth transition between full-screen-activity and one with notification-bar and action bar

How to wrap text content in ActionBarSherlock navigation spinner

Scrolling titles like in Google play

Actionbar tabs don't fill the tabbar

Action Bar Sherlock SearchView not expanding on click of it

Disappearing action bar buttons when swiping between fragments

Two action bars (Bottom and Up) at the same time?

ActionBarsherlock android.R.id.home <API 11

android actionbarsherlock

ActionBarSherlock, ViewPager, TabsAdapter nested Tab Fragments

Android ActionBar: show/hide tabs dynamically?

Hiding the title of an actionbar doesn't work on older versions of Android (using ActionBarSherlock)

How can I refresh my ListFragment when it returns to the layout from back stack?

Determine if action bar is split

How to navigate in fragments?

Implementing an Action Bar: ABSherlock or ABCompat?

Android: Custom view for a menu item

Issue with NotificationCompact.Builder and ActionBarSherlock