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ACS and facebook login -> display=touch is broken? [closed]

Can you have both client certificate security and service identity authentication in azure acs

WIF SessionSecurityToken Expiration

Does Azure ACS support saml 2.0 IdPs like Salesforce?

Identity and Access Tool. not listing in vs2012 menu

azure acs

Can NameIdentifier and IdentityProvider (WIF) claims be used to uniquely identify any user?

Is it possible to get ACS claims without editing web.config?

WCF Username Authentication - exception in tutorial

c# azure acs

Claims Based Authentication - SharePoint and generally

Protection API Exceptions when scaling Azure Web Roles using ACS

Can the Apple Id be used by non Apple applications?

Where is ClaimTypes.IdentityProvider?

Azure Service Bus Operations Raising TimeoutException instead of UnauthorizedAccessException using ACS