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New posts in accessibility

How to redirect to an anchor in JSF?

Single label for two inputs

Nested Aria hidden

accessibility wai-aria

How screen readers read elements from HTML

What is a labelable element?

Usage of the HTML Table "summary" attribute

html accessibility

UIPageControl and VoiceOver/accessibility

<a role="button"> instead of <button>

Android accessibility identify heading

Does a <tr> have to be inside a <tbody>

Android Accessibility - Unable to focus on any element in the Appbar

Text console for development in JAWS?

VoiceOver parent and child views as accessibility elements

What is "Section 508" very very simply?

accessibility section508

Do tracking pixels need to have alt attributes for accessibility (WCAG 2.0)?

Font sizes: EMs vs Pixels... in 2011, which one should be used? [closed]

css accessibility

Alternative to target="_blank" when using XHTML strict and no javascript!

xhtml accessibility

Visually remove <h1> element whilst preserving screen reader accessibility and avoiding penalties by search engines

html css seo accessibility wcag

iOS Accessibility for CollectionView in a TableViewCell

How can I override a screen-reader's pronunciation of a word in a sentence without having it pause mid-sentence?