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New posts in accessibility

Best way to focus element of any kind

How do I programmatically determine if "Full Keyboard Access" mode is on in MacOS?

cocoa accessibility

I want to throttle video capture frame rate in AVCapture framework

Is it possible to use Xcode UI Testing on an app using SpriteKit?

Accessibility: Page Loader indicator using aria-live

How to localize an accessibility label

Enhancing the web user experience for the vision impaired

accessibility section508

Private Member Access Java

Implementing accessability on custom view gives no verbal feedback

iOS Accessibility hide the "textField, double tap to edit" announcement

What is the actual meaning of separation of content and presentation?

VoiceOver reads labels on previous view in iPhone app? bug?

Get UIVIew from accessibilityLabel for KIF automation

Is it more accessible to use a <button> or <a> to open/close a modal?

Unordered lists and accessibility

Should we try to use all H1 to H6 in a website?

css xhtml accessibility

UIAccessibility change UITableView voiceover announcements (row # of #)

What is an appropriate HTML pattern for displaying name/value pairs?

html xhtml accessibility

How do I indicate success and failure with colour?

colors accessibility

What is android:contentDescription="@string/desc" in ImageView's xml?

android image accessibility