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What is android:contentDescription="@string/desc" in ImageView's xml?

I added an imageView in GraphicalLayout but it looks different on my real device than on AVD.

I found that I need to add contentDescription in a layout .xml, but when I add: contentDescription="@string/desc"

there is an error:

"No resource found that matches the given name (at 'contentDescription' with value '@string/desc')"

What is this string "desc"? What should it looks like?

like image 880
foki Avatar asked Jul 21 '12 21:07


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What does Android contentDescription do?

When using an ImageView , ImageButton , CheckBox , or other View that conveys information graphically, use an android:contentDescription attribute to provide a content label for that View . A content label sometimes depends on information only available at runtime, or the meaning of a View might change over time.

What is image content description?

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2 Answers

It's for the Accessibility Features of Android. The contentDescription is what get's read back to the (assumingly blind or hard-of-sight user) so they have an idea of what the picture is since they aren't able to view it.

As to answer your question, @iturki gives the start of it. You write the string to use for the description in strings.xml and give it a name of 'desc' or whatever your heart desires, then you set the value of contentDescription in the ImageView to @string/desc, either in the layout or programmatically. Like I said before, it's to help users with poor eyesight get a general idea of what the image is portraying :)

like image 124
starscream_disco_party Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11


That's for Accessibility (e.g., for a screen reader). You should define a string resource that describes the image, and reference it in contentDescription. See iturki's answer for how to do this.

like image 24
Sparky Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11
