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Distinguishing between Pydantic Models with same fields

python pydantic abc

Python Abstract Base Classes: Why doesn't abc prevent instantiation?

Fetching python class name while using abstract classes with `abc` library

python abc

Python Abstract Method With It's own __init__ function [duplicate]

Python : subclass `type` to create specialized types (e.g. a "list of int")

python abc

Find all the abstract base classes that a class is registered with

PyCharm "must implement all abstract methods" on a subclass that's intentionally abstract

Python abc module: Extending both an abstract base class and an exception-derived class leads to surprising behavior

Why can `__subclasshook__` be monkeypatched onto the metaclass but `__instancecheck__` cannot?

python interface subclass abc

How can I combine abc.abstractproperty with a classmethod to make an "abstract class property"?

python abc

Inheriting from both ABC and django.db.models.Model raises metaclass exception

Why is the Callable ABC in the collections ABC module?

python abc

Using ABC, PolymorphicModel, django-models gives metaclass conflict

Why does @abstractmethod need to be used in a class whose metaclass is derived from ABCMeta?

Python collections ValuesView abc: why doesn't it inherit from Iterable?

python collections abc

is there a pythonics way to distinguish Sequences objects like "tuple and list" from Sequence objects like "bytes and str"

python-3.x abc

Python inheritance, metaclasses and type() function

python class python-import abc

What's the difference between the mro method and the __mro__ attribute of a class?

When should one inherit from ABC?

python abc