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Best Practices for using AASM in a Rails API Controller

aasm after callback with argument

Rails error handling with AASM state machine

cancelling a sheduled Sidekiq job in Rails

ruby-on-rails sidekiq aasm

AASM: Transitions to a 2 different states depending on conditions

ruby-on-rails aasm

Adding validations to rails aasm state

ruby-on-rails aasm

AASM: Separating the state machine definition from the class definition

ruby module aasm

Getting list of states/events from a model that AASM

best practice for gems like workflow or AASM

AASM is not working with my rails 3 and ruby 1.8.7 ( undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass )

Multiple state machines in one model?

ruby-on-rails aasm

Validating a finite state machine (using AASM) on Rails

Persisting the state column on transition using rubyist-aasm (acts as state machine)

state_machine vs aasm gems for app ruby on rails 3.2

AASM: Transitions from any state?