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cancelling a sheduled Sidekiq job in Rails

Some Sidekiq jobs in my app are scheduled to change the state of a resource to cancelled unless a user responds within a certain timeframe. There is a lot of information about how to best accomplish this task, but none of it actually cancels the job.

To cancel a job, the code in the wiki says:

class MyWorker
 include Sidekiq::Worker

 def perform(thing_id)
  return if cancelled?
  thing = Thing.find thing_id

 def cancelled?
  Sidekiq.redis {|c| c.exists("cancelled-#{jid}") }

 def self.cancel!(jid)
  Sidekiq.redis {|c| c.setex("cancelled-#{jid}", 86400, 1) }

Yet here it's suggested that I do something like

 def perform(thing_id)
  thing = Thing.find thing_id
  while !cancel?(thing)

 def cancel?(thing_id)
  thing = Thing.find thing_id
  thing.matched? || thing.passed?

What's confusing about this and similar code on the wiki is none of it actually cancels the job. The above example just performs an update on thing if cancelled? returns false (as it should), but doesn't cancel if and when it returns true in the future. It just fails with an aasm transition error message and gets sent to the RetrySet. Calling MyWorker.cancel! jid in model code throws an undefined variable error. How can I access that jid in the model? How can actually cancel or delete that specific job? Thanks!

like image 627
calyxofheld Avatar asked Dec 10 '18 20:12


People also ask

How do I cancel my Sidekiq job?

According to this Sidekiq documentation page to delete a job with a single id you need to iterate the queue and call . delete on it.

How do I manually run a Sidekiq job?

To run sidekiq, you will need to open a terminal, navigate to your application's directory, and start the sidekiq process, exactly as you would start a web server for the application itself. When the command executes you will see a message that sidekiq has started.

1 Answers

# The wiki code
class MyWorker
 include Sidekiq::Worker

 def perform(thing_id)
  return if cancelled?

  # do actual work

 def cancelled?
  Sidekiq.redis {|c| c.exists("cancelled-#{jid}") }

 def self.cancel!(jid)
  Sidekiq.redis {|c| c.setex("cancelled-#{jid}", 86400, 1) }

# create job
jid = MyWorker.perform_async("foo")

# cancel job
like image 96
Mike Perham Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 22:10

Mike Perham