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New posts in aapt

Programs running aapt in android sdk from shell and from sbt

android scala aapt

Compiling error with Android Studio

Android Studio - AAPT: error: file failed to compile with PNG images

Res' does not exist in Eclipse

android eclipse aapt

Eclipse: please check aapt is present at "..\sdk\build-tools\23.0.0_rc1\aapt.exe"

android eclipse aapt

app:mergeDebugResources error in Android Studio after upgrade

How do I troubleshoot/fix React Native compile error: AAPT: No resource identifier found for attribute 'appComponentFactory' in package 'android'?

Xamarin Studio 2 - latest stable update - Error executing task Aapt: The source sequence is empty

android xamarin aapt

My Commandline shell does not support aapt command

Android resource linking failed AAPT: unknown option '--no-proguard-location-reference'

Read less info of apk file with aapt tool

android windows aapt

how to compile/build android aapt on new platform?

android build compilation aapt

org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':mergeDevOnlySlDebugResources' only on Jenkins

Google Play Android .apk Upload "Failed to run aapt dump badging"

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adb shell command to check the apk is debug or release signed?

android adb aapt dumpsys

AAPT: error: unexpected element <uses-permission> found in <manifest><application>