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New posts in .htaccess

Allowing video to be played in <video> element from my website, but not allowing it through direct link

php html .htaccess

Redirecting non-www URL to www using .htaccess

.htaccess isapi-rewrite

Dynamic IP-based blacklisting

is if else conditions available on htaccess?


Security: Deny access to .hg/* via mod_rewrite

Wordpress htaccess in root overriding htaccess in subdomain. Subdomain app not working now

Codeigniter's URL Rewriting

Https causing redirect loop?

migrated system with new urls

.htaccess mod-rewrite lamp

Bad encoding: why does my medium sized dash is differently encoded on another server?

Can you disable apache logs for a single site using htaccess or in the Virtual Host settings?

apache .htaccess logging

Force SSL and WWW together using htaccess

.htaccess redirect ssl

How do I redirect subdomains that do not exist?

Expires headers do not work

.htaccess caching

Understanding htaccess Filesmatch code

Create subdomain from a folder, but deny folder access

Adding Expires Headers and .htaccess

FallbackResource causes net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING

php .htaccess google-chrome

Can ".htaccess" file work with npm's "http-server" command?

.htaccess npm httpserver