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Security: Deny access to .hg/* via mod_rewrite

My website is a mercurial repository with multiple subrepositories. I need to make sure I'm denying access to all files in every .hg directory on the server.

For example, I have http://example.com/.hg/ and http://example.com/subrepo1/.hg/

I've added the following to .htaccess:

<Files ~ "^\.(hg|ht)">
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all

This is a good start, as it denies access to files beginning with .hg and .ht, but it doesn't deny access to the files inside .hg directories, so if someone types, for instance http://example.com/.hg/branch, the branch file will be displayed in their browser.

What do I need to do in order to make sure these files are not displayed to the user? I'd like to send either a 403 or a 404 back to the browser if someone tries to access a file inside any .hg directory on my server.

This question is also relevant for anyone whose website is a subversion / svn repository.

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tex Avatar asked Mar 02 '10 08:03


1 Answers

If you don't have to use mod_rewrite, then you can just do this:

RedirectMatch 404 /\\.hg(/|$)

(Full disclosure: answer adapted for Mercurial from this question about doing the same thing for Subversion).

like image 144
Dominic Rodger Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10

Dominic Rodger