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tabcontrol ownerdraw changes the tabcontrol's border style

I got a problem with tabcontrol. When I change the DrawMode to ownderdrawfixed, the borderstyle of the tabcontrol changes from "fixedsingle" to "3dfixed" but there's no such a property of tabcontrol borderstyle. the closest thing to borderstyle of tabcontrol is the appearance which didnt change.

alt text

look at the picture above to understand what I am talking about.

is there any way to change to color of the tabpage title without ownerdraw so I will not have to use ownerdraw?

or how can I fix the borderstyle of the tabcontrol?

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Ron Avatar asked Oct 13 '22 19:10


1 Answers

When you set a control to ownerdraw, you are specifically saying "I will handle all drawing for this control". This disables the visual styles rendering completely.

In order to render a control with visual styles, you'll need to use the facilities found in the System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles namespace. It requires a good bit of code, but then you are saying you want to handle it all yourself. I'd start with the examples for VisualStyleRenderer - You'll need to call it, passing VisualStyleElements to render.

See also this question about treeview ownerdraw: VisualStyleRenderer and themes (WinForms)

like image 187
Philip Rieck Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Philip Rieck