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How to design an api to a persistent collection in C#?

I am thinking about creating a persistent collection (lists or other) in C#, but I can't figure out a good API.

I use 'persistent' in the Clojure sense: a persistent list is a list that behaves as if it has value semantics instead of reference semantics, but does not incur the overhead of copying large value types. Persistent collections use copy-on-write to share internal structure. Pseudocode:

l1 = PersistentList()
l2 = l1

print(l1) # ==> ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
print(l2) # ==> ["foo", "bar"]
# l1 and l2 share a common structure of ["foo", "bar"] to save memory

Clojure uses such datastructures, but additionally in Clojure all data structures are immutable. There is some overhead in doing all the copy-on-write stuff so Clojure provides a workaround in the form of transient datastructures that you can use if you are sure you're not sharing the datastructure with anyone else. If you have the only reference to a datastructure, why not mutate it directly instead of going through all the copy-on-write overhead.

One way to get this efficiency gain would be to keep a reference count on your datastructure (though I don't think Clojure works that way). If the refcount is 1, you're holding the only reference so do the updates destructively. If the refcount is higher, someone else is also holding a reference to it that's supposed to behave like a value type, so do copy-on-write to not disturb the other referrers.

In the API to such a datastructure, one could expose the refcounting, which makes the API seriously less usable, or one could not do the refcounting, leading to unnecessary copy-on-write overhead if every operation is COW'ed, or the API loses it's value type behaviour and the user has to manage when to do COW manually.

If C# had copy constructors for structs, this would be possible. One could define a struct containing a reference to the real datastructure, and do all the incref()/decref() calls in the copy constructor and destructor of the struct.

Is there a way to do something like reference counting or struct copy constructors automatically in C#, without bothering the API users?


  • Just to be clear, I'm just asking about the API. Clojure already has an implementation of this written in Java.
  • It is certainly possible to make such an interface by using a struct with a reference to the real collection that is COW'ed on every operation. The use of refcounting would be an optimisation to avoid unnecessary COWing, but apparently isn't possible with a sane API.
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JanKanis Avatar asked Oct 13 '22 21:10


1 Answers

What you're looking to do isn't possible, strictly speaking. You could get close by using static functions that do the reference counting, but I understand that that isn't a terrible palatable option.

Even if it were possible, I would stay away from this. While the semantics you describe may well be useful in Clojure, this cross between value type and reference type semantics will be confusing to most C# developers (mutable value types--or types with value type semantics that are mutable--are also usually considered Evil).

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Adam Robinson Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 01:10

Adam Robinson