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C# perform a TNSPing programmatically





Is it possible to perform a TNSPing on an Oracle Database programmatically?

I'm aware I could probably call the TNSPing program and parse any output generated but I'm looking for a more robust method of handling the database TNS Ping.

Having seen the Ping class on MSDN, I tried to use the example code found, but I think I would need some way to resolve the TNS name into an actual IP address for this method to work. Is this possible?

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TK. Avatar asked Oct 13 '22 20:10


1 Answers

This Forum seems to suggest that attempting to use TNSPing is a waste of time and that actually attempting the connection would be of more use!

It seems that catching the exceptions that might get raised during communications with a database might be the only reliable way to test that an oracle database is still there.

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TK. Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11