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System.Text.Json.JsonElement ToObject workaround

I want to know the equivalent of the ToObject<>() method in Json.NET for System.Text.Json.

Using Json.NET you can use any JToken and convert it to a class. EG:

var str = ""; // some json string var jObj = JObject.Parse(str); var myClass = jObj["SomeProperty"].ToObject<SomeClass>(); 

How would we be able to do this with .NET Core 3's new System.Text.Json

var str = ""; // some json string var jDoc = JsonDocument.Parse(str); var myClass = jDoc.RootElement.GetProperty("SomeProperty"). <-- now what?? 

Initially I was thinking I'd just convert the JsonElement that is returned in jDoc.RootElement.GetPRoperty("SomeProperty") to a string and then deserialize that string. But I feel that might not be the most efficient method, and I can't really find documentation on doing it another way.

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Stalfos Avatar asked Sep 27 '19 17:09


2 Answers

I came across the same issue, so I wrote some extension methods which work fine for now. It would be nice if they provided this as built in to avoid the additional allocation to a string.

public static T ToObject<T>(this JsonElement element) {     var json = element.GetRawText();     return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<T>(json); } public static T ToObject<T>(this JsonDocument document) {     var json = document.RootElement.GetRawText();     return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<T>(json); } 

Then use as follows:

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Gary Holland Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09

Gary Holland

In .NET 6 extension methods are being added to JsonSerializer to deserialize an object directly from a JsonElement or JsonDocument:

public static partial class JsonSerializer {     public static TValue? Deserialize<TValue>(this JsonDocument document, JsonSerializerOptions? options = null);     public static object? Deserialize(this JsonDocument document, Type returnType, JsonSerializerOptions? options = null);     public static TValue? Deserialize<TValue>(this JsonDocument document, JsonTypeInfo<TValue> jsonTypeInfo);     public static object? Deserialize(this JsonDocument document, Type returnType, JsonSerializerContext context);      public static TValue? Deserialize<TValue>(this JsonElement element, JsonSerializerOptions? options = null);     public static object? Deserialize(this JsonElement element, Type returnType, JsonSerializerOptions? options = null);     public static TValue? Deserialize<TValue>(this JsonElement element, JsonTypeInfo<TValue> jsonTypeInfo);     public static object? Deserialize(this JsonElement element, Type returnType, JsonSerializerContext context); } 

Now you will be able to do:

using var jDoc = JsonDocument.Parse(str); var myClass = jDoc.RootElement.GetProperty("SomeProperty").Deserialize<SomeClass>(); 


  • JsonDocument is disposable. According to the according to the docs, This class utilizes resources from pooled memory... failure to properly dispose this object will result in the memory not being returned to the pool, which will increase GC impact across various parts of the framework.

    So, be sure to declare your jDoc with a using statement.

  • The new methods should be present in .NET 6.0 Preview RC1.

    They were added in response to the enhancement request We should be able serialize and serialize from DOM #31274, which has been closed.

In .NET 5 and earlier these methods do not exist. As a workaround, you may get better performance by writing to an intermediate byte buffer rather than to a string, since both JsonDocument and Utf8JsonReader work directly with byte spans rather than strings or char spans. As stated in the docs:

Serializing to UTF-8 is about 5-10% faster than using the string-based methods. The difference is because the bytes (as UTF-8) don't need to be converted to strings (UTF-16).

public static partial class JsonExtensions {     public static T ToObject<T>(this JsonElement element, JsonSerializerOptions options = null)     {         var bufferWriter = new ArrayBufferWriter<byte>();         using (var writer = new Utf8JsonWriter(bufferWriter))             element.WriteTo(writer);         return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<T>(bufferWriter.WrittenSpan, options);     }      public static T ToObject<T>(this JsonDocument document, JsonSerializerOptions options = null)     {         if (document == null)             throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(document));         return document.RootElement.ToObject<T>(options);     }        } 

Demo fiddle here.

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dbc Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 04:09
