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Synchronization and time keeping of multiple applications

How would I implement a system that will keep 20 applications running on a closed network to stay synchronized whilst performing various tasks?

Each application will be identical, on an identical machine. These machines will have a socket connection to the master application that will issue TCP commands to the units such as Play:"Video1.mp4". It is vital that these videos are played at the same time and keep time with each other.

The only difference between each unit is that the window will be offset on the desktop, so that each one has a different view port on the application - as this will be used in a multi-projector set up.

any solutions/ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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davivid Avatar asked Nov 25 '11 17:11


1 Answers

I did it some years ago. 5 computers running 5 instances of the same flash app. Evey app was displaying a "slice" of the same huge app and everything needed to be synchronized at fractions of seconds precision.

I used a simple Python script (running on a 6th machine) that was sending OSC messages on the local network. the flash apps were listening through FLOSC to this packets, and were sending to the Python script message about their status.

The stuff was running at the Withney Museum (NY) and at Palais de Tokyo (Paris), so I'm quite confident about the solution :) I hope it helps you

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Sr.Richie Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 05:10
