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symfony/skeleton and symfony/website-skeleton

At https://symfony.com/doc/current/setup.html you are instructed to run:

composer create-project symfony/website-skeleton my-project

whereas at http://symfony.com/doc/current/quick_tour/the_big_picture.html you are instructed to run:

composer create-project symfony/skeleton quick_tour

I have just done both. Using symfony/website-skeleton I got an error message in the browser: No route found for "GET /"

With symfony/skeleton I did get a Welcome to Symfony 4.0.4 page.

What are the differences between the two and why would you use one rather than the other?

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user3425506 Avatar asked Jan 29 '18 16:01


People also ask

Is Symfony full stack?

It's common to call the Symfony framework a Full Stack Framework. This goes back to the days of it providing everything on the server side, from templating with Twig to data persistence by integrating the Doctrine ORM.

How do I know what version of Symfony I have?

If you have file system access to the project Look inside the file for a line like: const VERSION = '5.0. 4'; that's the Symfony version number.

Who created Symfony?

Fabien Potencier Being a developer by passion, he immediately started to build websites with Perl. But with the release of PHP 5, he decided to switch focus to PHP, and created the symfony framework project in 2004 to help his company leverage the power of PHP for its customers.

Is Symfony framework good?

This framework makes it extremely simple when it comes to authorization – you only need to configure a database and models during migration. Symfony is an excellent choice for long-term, complex projects. It will cost you more money, but it will repay you when you want to personalize your app.

2 Answers

Came here as a result of a similar search, but was more interested in what's under the hood.

Not to take away from the accepted answer, but for those who, like me, were after something more detailed, you can look at the package details in packagist and reviewing the dependencies noted in the requires and requires dev sub-sections:


Includes: framework, framework extra, console, asset, security, validator twig, doctrine, http client, serialiser, yaml, dotenv, flex, form and validator packages among others.


Includes: console, dotenv, flex, platform and yaml only.

Seems like a no brainer, but if you came here looking for it, it's there.

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Aries VII Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 21:10

Aries VII

The new symfony edition (Symfony 4) is "bundle less". Symfony core team decided to not provide the Symfony Standard Edition for Symfony 4.0 that means when you run composer create-project symfony/skeleton you download the minimum package to start an application and you have to download the over packages needed and you need to explicitly add all the dependencies you want to depend on (twig, routing...) look here for other package . But it could be difficult for new comers and the Symfony core team dediced to provide an edition with the minimum common Symfony features. You get it with composer create-project symfony/website-skeleton. You have more explanation here

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Smaïne Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 23:10
