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Symbol for any number of any characters in regex?



People also ask

What does %s mean in regex?

The Difference Between \s and \s+ For example, expression X+ matches one or more X characters. Therefore, the regular expression \s matches a single whitespace character, while \s+ will match one or more whitespace characters.

What does \+ mean in regex?

Example: The regex "aa\n" tries to match two consecutive "a"s at the end of a line, inclusive the newline character itself. Example: "a\+" matches "a+" and not a series of one or "a"s. ^ the caret is the anchor for the start of the string, or the negation symbol.

What does regex 0 * 1 * 0 * 1 * Mean?

Basically (0+1)* mathes any sequence of ones and zeroes. So, in your example (0+1)*1(0+1)* should match any sequence that has 1. It would not match 000 , but it would match 010 , 1 , 111 etc. (0+1) means 0 OR 1.

What does * represent in regex?

*$ means - match, from beginning to end, any character that appears zero or more times. Basically, that means - match everything from start to end of the string. This regex pattern is not very useful. Let's take a regex pattern that may be a bit useful.


. is any char, * means repeated zero or more times.

You can use this regular expression (any whitespace or any non-whitespace) as many times as possible down to and including 0.


This expression will match as few as possible, but as many as necessary for the rest of the expression.


For example, in this regex [\s\S]*?B will match aB in aBaaaaB. But in this regex [\s\S]*B will match aBaaaaB in aBaaaaB.

Do you mean


. any character, except newline character, with dotall mode it includes also the newline characters

* any amount of the preceding expression, including 0 times

I would use .*. . matches any character, * signifies 0 or more occurrences. You might need a DOTALL switch to the regex to capture new lines with ..