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Regular expression for matching latitude/longitude coordinates?



People also ask

How do I use regex to match?

To match a character having special meaning in regex, you need to use a escape sequence prefix with a backslash ( \ ). E.g., \. matches "." ; regex \+ matches "+" ; and regex \( matches "(" . You also need to use regex \\ to match "\" (back-slash).

What does \\ mean in regex?

\\. matches the literal character . . the first backslash is interpreted as an escape character by the Emacs string reader, which combined with the second backslash, inserts a literal backslash character into the string being read. the regular expression engine receives the string \.

What does the regular expression A to Z matches?

The regular expression [A-Z][a-z]* matches any sequence of letters that starts with an uppercase letter and is followed by zero or more lowercase letters.

This one will strictly match latitude and longitude values that fall within the correct range:



  • +90.0, -127.554334
  • 45, 180
  • -90, -180
  • -90.000, -180.0000
  • +90, +180
  • 47.1231231, 179.99999999

Doesn't Match

  • -90., -180.
  • +90.1, -100.111
  • -91, 123.456
  • 045, 180

Whitespace is \s, not \w


See if this works

I am using these ones (decimal format, with 6 decimal digits):



Latitude Regular expression visualization



Longitude Regular expression visualization

Here is a gist that tests both, reported here also, for ease of access. It's a Java TestNG test. You need Slf4j, Hamcrest and Lombok to run it:

import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.*;

import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;

import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;

import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class LatLongValidationTest {

    protected static final String LATITUDE_PATTERN="^(\\+|-)?(?:90(?:(?:\\.0{1,6})?)|(?:[0-9]|[1-8][0-9])(?:(?:\\.[0-9]{1,6})?))$";
    protected static final String LONGITUDE_PATTERN="^(\\+|-)?(?:180(?:(?:\\.0{1,6})?)|(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-7][0-9])(?:(?:\\.[0-9]{1,6})?))$";

    public void latitudeTest(){
        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.######");
        double step = 0.01;
        Double latitudeToTest = -90.0;

        while(latitudeToTest <= 90.0){
            boolean result = df.format(latitudeToTest).matches(LATITUDE_PATTERN);
            log.info("Latitude: tested {}. Result (matches regex): {}", df.format(latitudeToTest), result);
            assertThat(result, is(true));
            latitudeToTest += step;

        latitudeToTest = -90.1;

        while(latitudeToTest >= -200.0){
            boolean result = df.format(latitudeToTest).matches(LATITUDE_PATTERN);
            log.info("Latitude: tested {}. Result (matches regex): {}", df.format(latitudeToTest), result);
            assertThat(result, is(false));
            latitudeToTest -= step;

        latitudeToTest = 90.01;

        while(latitudeToTest <= 200.0){
            boolean result = df.format(latitudeToTest).matches(LATITUDE_PATTERN);
        log.info("Latitude: tested {}. Result (matches regex): {}", df.format(latitudeToTest), result);
            assertThat(result, is(false));
            latitudeToTest += step;

    public void longitudeTest(){
        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.######");
        double step = 0.01;
        Double longitudeToTest = -180.0;

        while(longitudeToTest <= 180.0){
            boolean result = df.format(longitudeToTest).matches(LONGITUDE_PATTERN);
            log.info("Longitude: tested {}. Result (matches regex): {}", df.format(longitudeToTest), result);
            assertThat(result, is(true));
            longitudeToTest += step;

        longitudeToTest = -180.01;

        while(longitudeToTest >= -300.0){
            boolean result = df.format(longitudeToTest).matches(LONGITUDE_PATTERN);
            log.info("Longitude: tested {}. Result (matches regex): {}", df.format(longitudeToTest), result);
            assertThat(result, is(false));
            longitudeToTest -= step;

        longitudeToTest = 180.01;

        while(longitudeToTest <= 300.0){
            boolean result = df.format(longitudeToTest).matches(LONGITUDE_PATTERN);
            log.info("Longitude: tested {}. Result (matches regex): {}", df.format(longitudeToTest), result);
            assertThat(result, is(false));
            longitudeToTest += step;

Actually Alix Axel, above regex is wrong in latitude, longitude ranges point of view.

Latitude measurements range from –90° to +90° Longitude measurements range from –180° to +180°

So the regex given below validates more accurately.
Also, as per my thought no one should restrict decimal point in latitude/longitude.


OR for Objective C



Regex breakdown:


-? # accept negative values

^ # Start of string

[0-9]{1,3} # Match 1-3 digits (i. e. 0-999)

(?: # Try to match...

\. # a decimal point

[0-9]{1,10} # followed by one to 10 digits (i. e. 0-9999999999)

)? # ...optionally

$ # End of string