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Regex empty string or email

People also ask

Can the empty string be a regex?

regex is not empty string.

What does empty regex match?

An empty regular expression matches everything. > var empty = new RegExp(""); > empty.test("abc") true > empty.test("") true As you probably know, you should only use the RegExp constructor when you are dynamically creating a regular expression.

What is the regex for email?

[a-zA-Z0-9+_. -] matches one character from the English alphabet (both cases), digits, “+”, “_”, “.” and, “-” before the @ symbol. + indicates the repetition of the above-mentioned set of characters one or more times. @ matches itself.

This regex pattern will match an empty string:


And this will match (crudely) an email or an empty string:


matching empty string or email


matching empty string or email but also matching any amount of whitespace


see more about the email matching regex itself:


The answers above work ($ for empty), but I just tried this and it also works to just leave empty like so:


Same thing in reverse order


this will solve, it will accept empty string or exact an email id


I prefer /^\s+$|^$/gi to match empty and empty spaces.

console.log("  ".match(/^\s+$|^$/gi));