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Vim Regex Capture Groups [bau -> byau : ceu -> cyeu]

One way to fix this is by ensuring the pattern is enclosed by escaped parentheses:


Slightly shorter (and more magic-al) is to use \v, meaning that in the pattern after it all ASCII characters except '0'-'9', 'a'-'z', 'A'-'Z' and '_' have a special meaning:



  • :help \(
  • :help \v

If you don't want to escape the capturing groups with backslashes (this is what you've missed), prepend \v to turn Vim's regular expression engine into very magic mode:


You can also use this pattern which is shorter:

  • %s applies the pattern to the whole file.
  • ^. matches the first character of the line.
  • &y adds the y after the pattern.

You also have to escape the Grouping paranthesis:


That does the trick.