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Switch to composer mode in running instance

How can I switch an existing project easily to composer? This project is updated from 6.1 to 8.7 now and should run in composer. A fresh composer setup is not a problem. For the last project I created a new host, installed TYPO3 via composer, installed the extensions via composer and migrated the db, fileadmin and uploads. Is there an easier way?

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Manfred Rutschmann Avatar asked Sep 27 '17 14:09

Manfred Rutschmann

People also ask

How do I run composer?

This file is the Composer binary. It is a PHAR (PHP archive), which is an archive format for PHP which can be run on the command line, amongst other things. Now run php composer.phar in order to run Composer. Now run php bin/composer in order to run Composer.

Where is the composer JSON file?

composer. json is a JSON file placed in the root folder of PHP project. Its purpose is to specify a common project properties, meta data and dependencies, and it is a part of vast array of existing projects.

How do I find my composer version?

You can now verify your installation by opening a CMD prompt and typing 'composer –V' to see the version number.

1 Answers

Migrating TYPO3 from Classic Mode to Composer Mode requires at least the following steps:

  1. Write down the current version of TYPO3 and all extensions
  2. Remove all embedded TYPO3 and extension code incl. Git submodules
  3. Add a Composer manifest
  4. Add the Composer vendor-dir (and bin-dir if custom) to your .gitignore
  5. Require TYPO3 and all extensions with the versions and --prefer-lowest, e.g.

    composer require typo3/cms:^8.7.7 --prefer-lowest

    This ensures that you don't accidentally perform updates before completing the switch.

Since no further changes to user files or database data is required you will be running TYPO3 in Composer Mode now.

Afterward you will most likely also need to adapt your deployment workflow to ensure at least one composer install is executed after deploying a new version.

like image 107
Mathias Brodala Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09

Mathias Brodala