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composer is "killed" automatically from SSH

I built a complete application in local, now try to install on the remote server as I have always done ( git pull , resolve conflicts , update entities, clear the cache ...) but my new application requires several bundles , so after making the pull from github and resolve conflicts, I'm trying to install the bundles and the same problem arises me with all of them.

enter image description here

Is my server "killing" the process?

I've searched all day but can not find the problem. My php configuration from php.ini is:

enter image description here

This error never happened before and I installed many bundles on this server for 2 years ago. Someone with a similar experience?

Thank you.


I made a "php composer.phar diagnose" and I get the following:

enter image description here

The problem could be in "composer.json"?

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Edgar Alfonso Avatar asked Apr 04 '16 03:04

Edgar Alfonso

People also ask

Why was composer killed?

If you eve run composer install and terminal hands and then shows killed it means the server does not have enough memory to install the packages, this is common if you do not have a composer. lock file in the repository.

How do you solve a composer error?

To solve the Memory exhausted issue, you can try running composer with an Unlimited memory flag like this: php -d memory_limit=-1 /usr/local/bin/composer [COMMAND] or php -d memory_limit=-1 composer. phar [COMMAND] when using a local composer. If that doesn't help, you can upgrade your hosting plan.

Should I commit composer Phar?

You should commit the composer.lock file to your project repo so that all people working on the project are locked to the same versions of dependencies (more below). This is the main role of the update command.

Where is composer cache stored?

the cache locations are: Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Composer\files\vendor\packagename. Linux: ~/. composer/cache/files/vendor/packagename.

3 Answers

Probably is a problem related to the PHP CLI memory limit configuration. You can diagnose the memory allocation to the CLI PHP with the command:

php -i | grep memory

And View which php.ini is for the CLI version with the command:

php -i | grep 'php.ini'

BTW I would suggest the correct workflow of develop with the composer dependency as follow:

but just so you know, you typically should run update on your machine, then commit/deploy the composer.lock file and only run install on your server to sync up the dependencies with the lock file, to make sure you only get stuff you tested properly. That way you can also run a server with low memory without any problems.

Hope this help

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Matteo Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 14:10


Thank you @Matteo,

Is it possible that the problem is the remaining amount of RAM available on the server?

enter image description here

I've verified the amount memory limit but do not think this is the problem.

php-cli -i | grep memory

enter image description here

However, I've solved my problem. In fact there are three ways to fix it:

1. Install a bundle without Composer

This is not a recommended solution , but usually is very useful know how to do it, especially in projects that are very outdated and you're worried about the problems that can be generated by the command composer update

This guide assumes you have no memory limit problems on your local server and therefore all commands work fine with composer .

First, you have to install the bundle in your local machine, e.g:

composer require jms/serializer-bundle

After you have installed the package, you just need to add the bundle to your AppKernel.php file:

// in AppKernel::registerBundles()
  $bundles = array(
  // ...
  new JMS\SerializerBundle\JMSSerializerBundle(),
  // ...

Second, open composer.json from your bundle directory, e.g.

// \vendor\jms\serializer-bundle\JMS\SerializerBundle\composer.json
"require": {
    "php": ">=5.4.0",
    "jms/serializer": "^1.0.0",
    "phpoption/phpoption": "^1.1.0",
    "symfony/framework-bundle": "~2.3|~3.0"

For each bundle in the "require section", open the corresponding composer.json to identify all the required bundles .

The aim is to copy the directories of all these bundles and upload them to the remote server in the "vendor " directory ( taking care to maintain the same large hierarchy of directories)


if you open composer.json from jms/serializer bundle you can see:

// vendor/jms/serializer/composer.json
"require": {
    "php": ">=5.4.0",
    "jms/metadata": "~1.1",
    "jms/parser-lib": "1.*",
    "phpcollection/phpcollection": "~0.1",
    "doctrine/annotations": "1.*",
    "doctrine/instantiator": "~1.0.3"

Now, you should open composer.json from jms/metadata, jms/parser-lib and phpcollection/phpcollection to identify the others bundles that you have to upload to the remote server.

The goal is that no dependencies are missing.

finally, open /vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php from remote server and add all namespaces of your bundle dependencies. You should compare this file with you locally "autoload_namespaces.php".

2. Adding Swap Space

You have three options: create a new swap partition, create a new swap file, or extend swap on an existing LVM2 logical volume. It is recommended that you extend an existing logical volume.

3. update composer in local to only install in remote

This is the recommended option to make a good programming practice . When composer update is done on a third project , We don't know what can be happen wrong but when you have enough time for development and the project will be yours from now, you should have the project fully upgraded. First update on your local server with composer update and resolve all conflicts that arise . Finally, with the composer.json and composer.lock updated on the server, from now and forever only need to run a composer install to install and update all dependencies for the new bundles.

Matteo's explanation is correct, the composer update command occupies much more memory than composer install.

But just so you know, you typically should run update on your machine, then commit/deploy the composer.lock file and only run install on your server to sync up the dependencies with the lock file, to make sure you only get stuff you tested properly. That way you can also run a server with low memory without any problems.

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Edgar Alfonso Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 13:10

Edgar Alfonso

upload composer.lock file from local device to server and run composer install

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Mohamed Hany Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 13:10

Mohamed Hany