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Switch statement fall-through...should it be allowed? [closed]

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Why do switch statements fall through?

Code Inspection: Fallthrough in 'switch' statement Reports a switch statement where control can proceed from a branch to the next one. Such "fall-through" often indicates an error, for example, a missing break or return .

Which statement is used in switch to prevent fall through?

In a switch statement if no break appears, then the control will fall through to subsequent cases till it hit a break statement in the loop.

What are the rules for switch statement?

Rules for switch statement in C language 1) The switch expression must be of an integer or character type. 2) The case value must be an integer or character constant. 3) The case value can be used only inside the switch statement. 4) The break statement in switch case is not must.

What are the two Limitation of switch statement?

Disadvantages of switch statementsfloat constant cannot be used in the switch as well as in the case. You can not use the variable expression in case. You cannot use the same constant in two different cases. We cannot use the relational expression in case.

It may depend on what you consider fallthrough. I'm ok with this sort of thing:

switch (value)
  case 0:
    result = ZERO_DIGIT;

  case 1:
  case 3:
  case 5:
  case 7:
  case 9:
     result = ODD_DIGIT;

  case 2:
  case 4:
  case 6:
  case 8:
     result = EVEN_DIGIT;

But if you have a case label followed by code that falls through to another case label, I'd pretty much always consider that evil. Perhaps moving the common code to a function and calling from both places would be a better idea.

And please note that I use the C++ FAQ definition of "evil"

It's a double-edged sword. It is sometimes very useful, but often dangerous.

When is it good? When you want 10 cases all processed the same way...

switch (c) {
  case 1:
  case 2:
            ... Do some of the work ...
            /* FALLTHROUGH */
  case 17:
            ... Do something ...
  case 5:
  case 43:
            ... Do something else ...

The one rule I like is that if you ever do anything fancy where you exclude the break, you need a clear comment /* FALLTHROUGH */ to indicate that was your intention.

Have you heard of Duff's device? This is a great example of using switch fallthrough.

It's a feature that can be used and it can be abused, like almost all language features.

Fall-through is really a handy thing, depending on what you're doing. Consider this neat and understandable way to arrange options:

switch ($someoption) {
  case 'a':
  case 'b':
  case 'c':
    // Do something

  case 'd':
  case 'e':
    // Do something else

Imagine doing this with if/else. It would be a mess.

It can be very useful a few times, but in general, no fall-through is the desired behavior. Fall-through should be allowed, but not implicit.

An example, to update old versions of some data:

switch (version) {
    case 1:
        // Update some stuff
    case 2:
        // Update more stuff
    case 3:
        // Update even more stuff
    case 4:
        // And so on