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Default parameters with C++ constructors [closed]

Definitely a matter of style. I prefer constructors with default parameters, so long as the parameters make sense. Classes in the standard use them as well, which speaks in their favor.

One thing to watch out for is if you have defaults for all but one parameter, your class can be implicitly converted from that parameter type. Check out this thread for more info.

I'd go with the default arguments, especially since C++ doesn't let you chain constructors (so you end up having to duplicate the initialiser list, and possibly more, for each overload).

That said, there are some gotchas with default arguments, including the fact that constants may be inlined (and thereby become part of your class' binary interface). Another to watch out for is that adding default arguments can turn an explicit multi-argument constructor into an implicit one-argument constructor:

class Vehicle {
  Vehicle(int wheels, std::string name = "Mini");

Vehicle x = 5;  // this compiles just fine... did you really want it to?

This discussion apply both to constructors, but also methods and functions.

Using default parameters?

The good thing is that you won't need to overload constructors/methods/functions for each case:

// Header
void doSomething(int i = 25) ;

// Source
void doSomething(int i)
   // Do something with i

The bad thing is that you must declare your default in the header, so you have an hidden dependancy: Like when you change the code of an inlined function, if you change the default value in your header, you'll need to recompile all sources using this header to be sure they will use the new default.

If you don't, the sources will still use the old default value.

using overloaded constructors/methods/functions?

The good thing is that if your functions are not inlined, you then control the default value in the source by choosing how one function will behave. For example:

// Header
void doSomething() ;
void doSomething(int i) ;

// Source

void doSomething()
   doSomething(25) ;

void doSomething(int i)
   // Do something with i

The problem is that you have to maintain multiple constructors/methods/functions, and their forwardings.

In my experience, default parameters seem cool at the time and make my laziness factor happy, but then down the road I'm using the class and I am surprised when the default kicks in. So I don't really think it's a good idea; better to have a className::className() and then a className::init(arglist). Just for that maintainability edge.

Sam's answer gives the reason that default arguments are preferable for constructors rather than overloading. I just want to add that C++-0x will allow delegation from one constructor to another, thereby removing the need for defaults.

Either approach works. But if you have a long list of optional parameters make a default constructor and then have your set function return a reference to this. Then chain the settors.

class Thingy2
    enum Color{red,gree,blue};

    Thingy2 & color(Color);
    Color color()const;

    Thingy2 & length(double);
    double length()const;
    Thingy2 & width(double);
    double width()const;
    Thingy2 & height(double);
    double height()const;

    Thingy2 & rotationX(double);
    double rotationX()const;
    Thingy2 & rotatationY(double);
    double rotatationY()const;
    Thingy2 & rotationZ(double);
    double rotationZ()const;

    // gets default rotations
    Thingy2 * foo=new Thingy2().color(ret)
    // gets default color and sizes
    Thingy2 * bar=new Thingy2()
    // everything specified.
    Thingy2 * thing=new Thingy2().color(ret)

Now when constructing the objects you can pick an choose which properties to override and which ones you have set are explicitly named. Much more readable :)

Also, you no longer have to remember the order of the arguments to the constructor.