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In release mode, code behavior is not as expected

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What is difference between release and debug mode?

Debug Mode: When we are developing the application. Release Mode: When we are going to production mode or deploying the application to the server. Debug Mode: The debug mode code is not optimized. Release Mode: The release mode code is optimized.

What is release mode in Visual Studio?

Visual Studio projects have separate release and debug configurations for your program. You build the debug version for debugging and the release version for the final release distribution. In debug configuration, your program compiles with full symbolic debug information and no optimization.

Can you debug in release mode?

You can now debug your release build application. To find a problem, step through the code (or use Just-In-Time debugging) until you find where the failure occurs, and then determine the incorrect parameters or code.

This is interesting, at least from a historical perspective. I can reproduce the problem with VC 2008 (15.00.30729.01) and VC 2010 (16.00.40219.01) (targeting either 32-bit x86 or 64-bit x64). The problem doesn't occur with any of the compilers I have tried starting with VC 2012 (17.00.61030).

The command I used to compile: cl /Ox vc15-bug.cpp /FAsc

Since VC 2008 (and 2010) is rather old and the fix has been in for several years now, I don't think you can expect any action from Microsoft except to use a newer compiler (though maybe someone can suggest a workaround).

The problem is that the test to determine if the value should be forced to 255 is done based on the loop count rather than the actual result of the i * 16 expression. And the compiler simply gets the count wrong for when it should start forcing the value to 255. I have no idea why that happens - it's just the effect that I see:

; 6    :    for( int i = 0; i < 17; i++ ) 

  00001 33 f6        xor     esi, esi
  00003 8b c6        mov     eax, esi
  00005 c1 e0 04     shl     eax, 4

; 7    :    { 
; 8    :        int result = i * 16;
; 9    : 
; 10   :        if( result > 255 )

  // the value `esi` is compared with in the following line should be 15!
  00008 83 fe 0e     cmp     esi, 14            ; 0000000eH
  0000b 7e 05        jle     SHORT $LN1@main

; 11   :        {
; 12   :            result = 255;

  0000d b8 ff 00 00 00   mov     eax, 255       ; 000000ffH

; 13   :        }

Update: All versions of VC I have installed earlier than VC 2008 have the same bug, except VC6 - compiling the program crashes the VC6 compiler:

vc15-bug.cpp(10) : fatal error C1001: INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR

So this is a bug that lasted in MSVC in one form or another for more than 10 years!

Assuming your reported facts are correct, this would be a compiler bug. Check the latest version of the compiler. If the bug is still present, submit a bug report.