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Does anyone still use [goto] in C# and if so why? [closed]

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Is goto still used in C?

And yet, more than 50 years after Dijkstra's abolitionist manifesto, C and other languages still include a goto statement. Although goto remains taboo, its use is still possible.

Is goto still used?

The bottom line is that although goto can almost always be replaced by other forms of logic, it still exists today and is legitimate IDL syntax. There are quite a few hazards to it, but when used sparingly and with care, it can be a useful tool.

Is goto a good practice in C?

In C, however, you don't have the power of an exception handling mechanism, so if you want to separate out error handling from the rest of your program logic, and you want to avoid rewriting clean up code multiple times throughout your code, then goto can be a good choice.

There are some (rare) cases where goto can actually improve readability. In fact, the documentation you linked to lists two examples:

A common use of goto is to transfer control to a specific switch-case label or the default label in a switch statement.

The goto statement is also useful to get out of deeply nested loops.

Here's an example for the latter one:

for (...) {
    for (...) {
        if (something)
            goto end_of_loop;


Of course, there are other ways around this problem as well, such as refactoring the code into a function, using a dummy block around it, etc. (see this question for details). As a side note, the Java language designers decided to ban goto completely and introduce a labeled break statement instead.

I remember this part

switch (a)     
    case 3: 
        b = 7;
        // We want to drop through into case 4, but C# doesn't let us
    case 4: 
        c = 3;
        b = 2;
        c = 4;

To something like this

switch (a)     
    case 3: 
        b = 7;
        goto case 4;    
    case 4: 
        c = 3;
        b = 2;
        c = 4;

Refer This

I use it extensively in Eduasync to show the kind of code that the compiler generates for you when using async methods in C# 5. You'd see the same thing in iterator blocks.

In "normal" code though, I can't remember the last time I used it...

I don't remember ever using goto. But maybe it improves the intent of a forever loop that you really never want to exit (no break, but you can still return or throw):

forever: {
  // ...
  goto forever;

Then again, a simple while (true) should suffice...

Also, you could use in a situation where you want the first iteration of a loop to start in the middle of the loop: look here for an example.

goto is great for breaking out of many loops where break would not work well (say upon error conditions), and as Kragen said goto is used by the compiler to generate switch statements and some other things as well.

The compiler uses goto statements in various pieces of generated code, for example in generated iterator block types (generated when using the yield return keyword - I'm pretty sure that the generated XML serialisation types also have a few goto statements in there somewhere too.

See Iterator block implementation details: auto-generated state machines for some more details on why / how the C# compiler handles this.

Other than generated code there isn't a good reason to use a goto statement in normal code - it makes the code harder to understand and as a result more error-prone. On the other hand using goto statements in generated code like this can simplify the generation process and is normally fine because nobody is going to read (or modify) the generated code and there is no chance of mistakes being made because a machine is doing the writing.

See Go-to statement considered harmful for an argument against goto as well as a classic piece of programming history.