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Switch on Enum (with Flags attribute) without declaring every possible combination?

How about this. Of course the arguments and return types of DoSomething, etc., can be anything you like.

class Program
    public enum CheckType
        Form = 1,
        QueryString = 2,
        TempData = 4,

    private static bool DoSomething(IEnumerable cln)
        return true;

    private static bool DoSomethingElse(IEnumerable cln)
        return true;

    private static bool DoWhatever(IEnumerable cln)
        return true;

    static void Main(string[] args)
        var theCheckType = CheckType.QueryString | CheckType.TempData;
        var checkTypeValues = Enum.GetValues(typeof(CheckType));
        foreach (CheckType value in checkTypeValues)
            if ((theCheckType & value) == value)
                switch (value)
                    case CheckType.Form:
                    case CheckType.QueryString:
                    case CheckType.TempData:

Just use HasFlag

if(theCheckType.HasFlag(CheckType.Form)) DoSomething(...);
if(theCheckType.HasFlag(CheckType.QueryString)) DoSomethingElse(...);
if(theCheckType.HasFlag(CheckType.TempData)) DoWhatever(...);

Flags enums can be treated as a simple integral type in which each individual bit corresponds to one of the flagged values. You can exploit this property to convert the bit-flagged enum value into an array of booleans, and then dispatch the methods you care about from a correlated array of delegates.

EDIT: We could certainly make this code more compact through the use of LINQ and some helper functions, but I think it's easier to understand in the less sophisticated form. This may be case where maintainability trumps elegance.

Here's an example:

[Flags()]public enum CheckType
  Form = 1,       
  QueryString = 2,
  TempData = 4,

void PerformActions( CheckType c )
  // array of bits set in the parameter {c}
  bool[] actionMask = { false, false, false };
  // array of delegates to the corresponding actions we can invoke...
  Action availableActions = { DoSomething, DoSomethingElse, DoAnotherThing };

  // disassemble the flags into a array of booleans
  for( int i = 0; i < actionMask.Length; i++ )
    actionMask[i] = (c & (1 << i)) != 0;

  // for each set flag, dispatch the corresponding action method
  for( int actionIndex = 0; actionIndex < actionMask.Length; actionIndex++ )
      if( actionMask[actionIndex])
          availableActions[actionIndex](); // invoke the corresponding action

Alternatively, if the order in which you evaluate doesn't matter, here is simpler, clearer solution that works just as well. If order does matter, replace the bit-shifting operations with an array containing the flags in the order you want to evaluate them in:

int flagMask = 1 << 31; // start with high-order bit...
while( flagMask != 0 )   // loop terminates once all flags have been compared
  // switch on only a single bit...
  switch( theCheckType & flagMask )
   case CheckType.Form:
     DoSomething(/*Some type of collection is passed */);

   case CheckType.QueryString:
     DoSomethingElse(/*Some other type of collection is passed */);

   case CheckType.TempData
     DoWhatever(/*Some different type of collection is passed */);

  flagMask >>= 1;  // bit-shift the flag value one bit to the right

Should be possible in C# 7

switch (t1)
        case var t when t.HasFlag(TST.M1):
        case var t when t.HasFlag(TST.M2):