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Swift native functions to have numbers as hex strings

Is there any native Swift way for any (at least integer) number to get its hexadecimal representation in a string? And the inverse. It must not use Foundation. For example the String class has a function

func toInt() -> Int?

which converts a string representing an integer to its Int value. I am looking for something similar, using the hex strings. I know this is easily implementable, but if Swift has it there already it would be better. Otherwise if you made already an extension of String and Int to achieve the following:

let anHex = "0xA0"
if let anInt = anHex.toInt() {
   println(anInt)               // prints 128
   println(anInt.toHexString()) // prints "0xA0"

I know it isn't rocket science but in case please share it.

PS: This is similar to this question, the difference is that it was very related to the Foundation framework, while I am not using it in my code (nor I am importing anything else) and for now I'd like to keep it in this way, also for learning purposes.

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Michele Dall'Agata Avatar asked Nov 28 '14 13:11

Michele Dall'Agata

4 Answers

As of Swift 2, all integer types have a constructor

init?(_ text: String, radix: Int = default)

so that both integer to hex string and hex string to integer conversions can be done with built-in methods. Example:

let num = 1000
let str = String(num, radix: 16)
print(str) // "3e8"

if let num2 = Int(str, radix: 16) {
    print(num2) // 1000

(Old answer for Swift 1:) The conversion from an integer to a hex string can be done with

let hex = String(num, radix: 16)

(see for example How to convert a decimal number to binary in Swift?). This does not require the import of any Framework and works with any base between 2 and 36.

The conversion from a hex string to an integer can be done with the BSD library function strtoul() (compare How to convert a binary to decimal in Swift?) if you are willing to import Darwin.

Otherwise there is (as far as I know) no built-in Swift method. Here is an extension that converts a string to a number according to a given base:

extension UInt {
    init?(_ string: String, radix: UInt) {
        let digits = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
        var result = UInt(0)
        for digit in string.lowercaseString {
            if let range = digits.rangeOfString(String(digit)) {
                let val = UInt(distance(digits.startIndex, range.startIndex))
                if val >= radix {
                    return nil
                result = result * radix + val
            } else {
                return nil
        self = result


let hexString = "A0"
if let num = UInt(hexString, radix: 16) {
} else {
    println("invalid input")
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Martin R Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 12:11

Martin R

update: Xcode 12.5 • Swift 5.4

extension StringProtocol {
    func dropping<S: StringProtocol>(prefix: S) -> SubSequence { hasPrefix(prefix) ? dropFirst(prefix.count) : self[...] }
    var hexaToDecimal: Int { Int(dropping(prefix: "0x"), radix: 16) ?? 0 }
    var hexaToBinary: String { .init(hexaToDecimal, radix: 2) }
    var decimalToHexa: String { .init(Int(self) ?? 0, radix: 16) }
    var decimalToBinary: String { .init(Int(self) ?? 0, radix: 2) }
    var binaryToDecimal: Int { Int(dropping(prefix: "0b"), radix: 2) ?? 0 }
    var binaryToHexa: String { .init(binaryToDecimal, radix: 16) }

extension BinaryInteger {
    var binary: String { .init(self, radix: 2) }
    var hexa: String { .init(self, radix: 16) }


print("7fffffffffffffff".hexaToDecimal)      // "9223372036854775807" decimal integer
print("0x7fffffffffffffff".hexaToDecimal)    // "9223372036854775807" decimal integer
print("7fffffffffffffff".hexaToBinary) // "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111" binary (String)
print("0x7fffffffffffffff".hexaToBinary) // "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"

print("255".decimalToHexa)   // "ff"       hexa (String)
print("255".decimalToBinary) // "11111111" binary (String)

print("11111111".binaryToHexa)      // "ff"  hexa (String)
print("0b11111111".binaryToHexa)    // "ff"  hexa (String)
print("11111111".binaryToDecimal)   // 255 decimal (Int)
print("0b11111111".binaryToDecimal) // 255 decimal (Int)

print(255.binary) // "11111111" binary (String)
print(255.hexa)   // "ff"       hexa (String)
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Leo Dabus Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 12:11

Leo Dabus

Swift 3:

String to UInt:

let str = "fcd7d7"
let number = UInt(str, radix: 16)!

result: 16570327

UInt to hex String:

let number = UInt(exactly: 16570327)!
let str = String(number, radix: 16, uppercase: false)

result: fcd7d7

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Ali Momen Sani Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 11:11

Ali Momen Sani

For Float, If you might want IEEE754 floating point to HEX

extension Float {
 func floatToHex()->String {
    return String(self.bitPattern, radix: 16, uppercase: true)
let f:Float = 3.685746e+19
let hex = f.floatToHex()


Or Visa-versa

extension String {

 func hexToFloat() -> Float {
    var toInt = Int32(truncatingBitPattern: strtol(self, nil, 16))
    var toInt = Int32(_truncatingBits: strtoul(self, nil, 16)) //For Swift 5
    var float:Float32!
    memcpy(&float, &toInt, MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: float))
    return float
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Kraming Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 11:11
