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Swift mutable structs in closure of class and struct behave differently

I have a class(A) that has a struct variable (S). In one function of this class I call a mutating function on struct variable,this function takes a closure. Body of this closure checks the struct variable's name property.

Struct's mutating function in turns calls a function of some class(B). This class's function again takes a closure. In this closure's body mutate the struct, i.e. change the name property, and call the closure that was supplied by the first class.

When the first class (A) closure is called where we are inspecting the struct's name property, it is never changed.

But in step 2 if I use a struct (C) instead of class B, I see that inside class A's closure struct is actually changed. Below is the code:

class NetworkingClass {
  func fetchDataOverNetwork(completion:()->()) {
    // Fetch Data from netwrok and finally call the closure

struct NetworkingStruct {
  func fetchDataOverNetwork(completion:()->()) {
    // Fetch Data from netwrok and finally call the closure

struct ViewModelStruct {

  /// Initial value
  var data: String = "A"

  /// Mutate itself in a closure called from a struct
  mutating func changeFromStruct(completion:()->()) {
    let networkingStruct = NetworkingStruct()
    networkingStruct.fetchDataOverNetwork {
      self.data = "B"

  /// Mutate itself in a closure called from a class
  mutating func changeFromClass(completion:()->()) {
    let networkingClass = NetworkingClass()
    networkingClass.fetchDataOverNetwork {
      self.data = "C"

class ViewController {
  var viewModel: ViewModelStruct = ViewModelStruct()

  func changeViewModelStruct() {

    /// This never changes self.viewModel inside closure, Why Not?
    viewModel.changeFromClass {

    /// This changes self.viewModel inside/outside closure, Why?
    viewModel.changeFromStruct {

var c = ViewController()

Why this different behaviour. I thought the differentiating factor should be whether I use a struct for viewModel or a class. But here it is depending upon whether Networking is a class or structure, that is independent of any ViewController or ViewModel. Can anyone help me understand this?

like image 588
tarun_sharma Avatar asked Jun 16 '16 06:06


People also ask

What are the main differences between classes and structs in Swift?

In Swift, structs are value types whereas classes are reference types. When you copy a struct, you end up with two unique copies of the data. When you copy a class, you end up with two references to one instance of the data. It's a crucial difference, and it affects your choice between classes or structs.

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So then, why is it said that structs are immutable? Structs are copied on mutation. That is, the original is not mutated. This is in terms of observable effects.

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1 Answers

I think I have an idea about the behaviour we are getting in the original question. My understanding is derived from the behaviour of inout parameters inside closures.

Short answer:

It is related to whether closure that captures value types are escaping or nonescaping. To make this code work do this.

class NetworkingClass {
  func fetchDataOverNetwork(@nonescaping completion:()->()) {
    // Fetch Data from netwrok and finally call the closure

Long answer:

Let me give some context first.

inout parameters are used to change values outside of the function scope, like in the below code:

func changeOutsideValue(inout x: Int) {
  closure = {x}
var x = 22
print(x) // => 23

Here x is passed as inout parameter to a function. This function changes value of x in a closure, so it is changed outside of it's scope. Now x's value is 23. We all know this behaviour when we use reference types. But for value types inout parameters are pass by value. So here x is pass by value in the function, and marked as inout. Before passing x into this function, a copy of x is created and passed. So inside the changeOutsideValue this copy is modified, not the original x. Now when this function returns, this modified copy of x copied back to the original x. So we see x is modified outside only when the function returns. Actually it sees that if after changing the inout parameter if the function returns or not i.e. the closure that is capturing x is escaping kind or nonescaping kind.

When the closure is of escaping type, i.e. it just capture the copied value, but before the function returns it is not called. Look at the below code:

func changeOutsideValue(inout x: Int)->() -> () {
  closure = {x}
  return closure
var x = 22
let c= changeOutsideValue(&x)
print(x) // => 22
print(x) // => 22

Here function is capturing the copy of x in a escaping closure for future usages and returns that closure. So when function returns it writes the unchanged copy of x back to x (value is 22). If you print x, it is still 22. If you call the returned closure, it changes the local copy inside closure and it is never copied to outside x, so outside x is still 22.

So it all depends whether the closure where you are changing the inout parameter is of escaping or non escaping type. If it is nonescaping, changes are seen outside, if it is escaping they are not.

So coming back to our original example. This is the flow:

  1. ViewController calls viewModel.changeFromClass function on viewModel struct, self is the reference of the viewController class instance, so it is the same self as we created using var c = ViewController(), So it same as c.
  2. In ViewModel's mutating

    func changeFromClass(completion:()->())

    we create a Networking class instance and pass a closure to fetchDataOverNetwork function. Notice here that for changeFromClass function the closure that fetchDataOverNetwork takes is of escaping type, because changeFromClass makes no assumption that the closure passed in fetchDataOverNetwork will be called or not before changeFromClass returns.

  3. The viewModel self that is captured inside the fetchDataOverNetwork's closure is actually a copy of viewModel self. So self.data = "C" is actually changing the copy of viewModel, not the same instance that is hold by the viewController.

  4. You can verify this if you put all the code inside a swift file and emit SIL (Swift Intermediate Language). Steps for this are at the end of this answer. It becomes clear that capturing viewModel self in fetchDataOverNetwork closure prevents viewModel self from being optimized to stack. This means that instead of using alloc_stack, the viewModel self variable is allocated using alloc_box:

    %3 = alloc_box $ViewModelStruct, var, name "self", argno 2 // users: %4, %11, %13, %16, %17

  5. When we print self.viewModel.data in changeFromClass closure it is printing the viewModel's data that is hold by the viewController, not the copy that is being changed by the fetchDataOverNetwork closure. And since the fetchDataOverNetwork closure is of escaping type and viewModel's data is used (printed) before changeFromClass function could return, changed viewModel is not copied to original viewModel (viewController's).

  6. Now as soon as changeFromClass method returns changed viewModel is copied back to the original viewModel, so if you do "print(self.viewModel.data)" just after changeFromClass call, you see the value is changed. (this is because though fetchDataOverNetwork is assumed to be of escaping type, at runtime it is actually turn out to be of nonescaping type)

Now as @san pointed out in comments that "If you add this line self.data = "D" after let networkingClass = NetworkingClass() and remove 'self.data = "C" ' then it prints 'D'". This also make sense because self outside the closure is exact self that is hold by the viewController, since you removed self.data = "C" inside closure, there is no capturing of viewModel self. On the other hand if you don't remove self.data = "C" then it captures a copy of self. In this case print statement prints C. Check that.

This explains the behaviour of changeFromClass, but what about changeFromStruct that is working properly? In theory same logic should be applied to changeFromStruct and things should not work. But as it turns out (by emitting SIL for changeFromStruct function) the viewModel self value captured in networkingStruct.fetchDataOverNetwork function is same self as outside of the closure, so everywhere the same viewModel self is modified:

debug_value_addr %1 : $*ViewModelStruct, var, name "self", argno 2 // id: %2

This is confusing and I have no explanation to this. But this is what I found. At least it clears the air about changefromClass behaviour.

Demo code Solution:

For this demo code the solution to make changeFromClass work as we expect is to make fetchDataOverNetwork function's closure nonescaping like so:

class NetworkingClass {
  func fetchDataOverNetwork(@nonescaping completion:()->()) {
    // Fetch Data from netwrok and finally call the closure

This tells changeFromClass function that before it returns passed closure (that is capturing viewModel self) will be called for sure so there is no need to do alloc_box and make a separate copy.

Real scenario Solutions:

In reality fetchDataOverNetwork will make a web service request and return. When response comes then the completion will be called. So it will always be of escaping type. This will create the same issue. Some ugly solutions for this could be:

  1. Make ViewModel a class not struct. This makes sure that viewModel self is a reference and same everywhere. But I don't like it, though all the sample code on internet about MVVM uses class for viewModel. In my opinion major code of an iOS app will be ViewController, ViewModel and Models and if all of these are classes then you really doesn't use value types.
  2. Make ViewModel a struct. From mutating function return a new mutated self, either as return value or inside completion depending on your use case:

    /// ViewModelStruct
    mutating func changeFromClass(completion:(ViewModelStruct)->()){
    let networkingClass = NetworkingClass()
    networkingClass.fetchDataOverNetwork {
      self.data = "C"
      self = ViewModelStruct(self.data)

    In this case caller have to always make sure it assigns the returned value to it's original instance, like so:

    /// ViewController
    func changeViewModelStruct() {
        viewModel.changeFromClass { changedViewModel in
          self.viewModel = changedViewModel
  3. Make ViewModel a struct. Declare a closure variable in struct and call it with self from every mutating function. Caller will provide the body of this closure.

    /// ViewModelStruct
    var viewModelChanged: ((ViewModelStruct) -> Void)?
    mutating func changeFromClass(completion:()->()) {
    let networkingClass = NetworkingClass()
    networkingClass.fetchDataOverNetwork {
      self.data = "C"
    /// ViewController
    func viewDidLoad() {
        viewModel = ViewModelStruct()
        viewModel.viewModelChanged = { changedViewModel in
          self.viewModel = changedViewModel
    func changeViewModelStruct() {
        viewModel.changeFromClass {

Hope I am clear in my explaination. I know it is confusing, so you will have to read and try this multiple times.

Some of the resources I referred are here, here and here.

Last one is a accepted swift proposal in 3.0 about removing this confusion. I am not sure if this is it is implemented in swift 3.0 or not.

Steps to emit SIL:

  1. Put all your code in a swift file.

  2. Go to terminal and do this:

    swiftc -emit-sil StructsInClosure.swift > output.txt

  3. Look at output.txt, search for methods you want to see.

like image 74
tarun_sharma Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
