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Swift: Get an element from a tuple




If I have a tuple like this

var answer: (number: Int, good: Bool) 

How do I get one of the elements?

This doesn't work:


I am modeling this question after Swift: Get an array of element from an array of tuples, but my question was a little more basic. I did find the answer buried in the documentation so I am adding my answer below in Q&A format for faster searching in the future.

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Suragch Avatar asked May 13 '16 02:05


People also ask

Is tuple value type Swift?

Types in Swift fall into one of two categories: first, “value types”, where each instance keeps a unique copy of its data, usually defined as a struct, enum, or tuple. The second, “reference types”, where instances share a single copy of the data, and the type is usually defined as a class.

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The reason that tuples cannot be used as keys (or specifically, are not hashable ) is because they are not strictly immutable.

2 Answers

According to the documentation (scroll down to Tuples), there are three ways to do it.


var answer: (number: Int, good: Bool) = (100, true) 

Method 1

Put the element variable name within a tuple.

let (firstElement, _) = answer let (_, secondElement) = answer 


let (firstElement, secondElement) = answer 

Method 2

Use the index.

let firstElement = answer.0 let secondElement = answer.1 

Method 3

Use the names. This only works, of course, if the elements were named in the Tuple declaration.

let firstElement = answer.number let secondElement = answer.good 
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Suragch Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09


I tried this. It's not so good but works...

protocol SubscriptTuple {     associatedtype Tuple     associatedtype Return     var value: Tuple { get set }     subscript(sub: String) -> Return? { get } }  struct TupleContainer: SubscriptTuple {     typealias Tuple = (number: Int, good: Bool)     typealias Return = Any     var value: Tuple     subscript(sub: String) -> Return? {         switch sub {         case "number":             return value.number         case "good":             return value.good         default:             return nil         }     } } 

And this is how to use.

let answer = Answer(value: (120, false)) answer["number"] 
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Lumialxk Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09
