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Swift adding annotations on map

Trying to make some annotations on the map. But can't get around it. the code I'm using is

 // Names
 names = ["Ben", "Big", "Hawk", "Enot", "Wiltons", "Scott's", "The Laughing"]

        // Latitudes, Longitudes
        coordinates = [
            [51.519066, -0.135200],
            [51.513446, -0.125787],
            [51.465314, -0.214795],
            [51.507747, -0.139134],
            [51.509878, -0.150952],
            [51.501041, -0.104098],
            [51.485411, -0.162042],
            [51.513117, -0.142319]
like image 320
Adam Avatar asked Sep 13 '16 11:09


People also ask

How do I annotate a map in SwiftUI?

This takes three steps: Create some sort of state that will track the coordinates being shown by the map, using MKCoordinateRegion to track the center and zoom level of the map. Prepare an array of locations to use for your annotations. Decide how you want them to be shown on your map.

How do you add annotations in Mkmapview?

Start by making your view controller the delegate of your map view, so that we can receive events. You should also make your view controller conform to MKMapViewDelegate in code. Second, you need to implement a viewFor method that converts your annotation into a view that can be displayed on the map.

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A user-friendly description of a location on the map.

1 Answers

The function addAnnotation takes an array of type CLLocation, which is what you should use. So make the array look like this to initialize CLLocation objects. I assume you already have a working rendered map, mapView object, etc.

let coords = [  CLLocation(latitude: xxxx, longitude: xxxx),
   CLLocation(latitude: xxx, longitude: xxx),
   CLLocation(latitude: xxx, longitude:xxx)

here is a function that can take that array, and loops through each element and adds it as an annotation to the mapView (not yet rendered)

func addAnnotations(coords: [CLLocation]){
        for coord in coords{
            let CLLCoordType = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: coord.coordinate.latitude,
                                                      longitude: coord.coordinate.longitude);
            let anno = MKPointAnnotation();
            anno.coordinate = CLLCoordType;


Finally, you need to use the MKMapViewDelegate delegate to use one of its automatically called methods, when a new annotation is added, so we can queue and render it. This would be unnecessary if you were adding annotations once, but it is good to have them added like this so you can manipulate them later.

func mapView(mapView: MKMapView, viewForAnnotation annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView? {
    if annotation is MKUserLocation{
        return nil;
        let pinIdent = "Pin";
        var pinView: MKPinAnnotationView;
        if let dequeuedView = mapView.dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier(pinIdent) as? MKPinAnnotationView {
            dequeuedView.annotation = annotation;
            pinView = dequeuedView;
            pinView = MKPinAnnotationView(annotation: annotation, reuseIdentifier: pinIdent);

        return pinView;

Do not just add this code and expect it to work, make sure you incorporate it correctly, in the right areas of your project. Do comment if you have further questions.


remember to inherit the MKMapViewDelegate protocol into the controller your using.

Make sure you actually call addAnnotations, in ViewDidLoad, and pass through coords array. Which can be defined in ViewDidLoad.

Make sure the mapView method is not in ViewDidLoad but a member of the controller.

like image 81
Caspar Wylie Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10

Caspar Wylie