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Suppress "Try the new cross-platform PowerShell https://aka.ms/pscore6"

Since Windows Terminal 1.0 is released, you can use it instead. In settings add a flag -NoLogo as shown below:

    "list": [
    // Make changes here to the powershell.exe profile.
    "guid": "{61c54bd-c2c6-5271-96e7-009a87ff44bf}",
    "name": "Windows PowerShell",
    "commandline": "powershell.exe -NoLogo",
    "hidden": false

You can get rid of the copyright banner by starting powershell from running this in cmd:

Powershell.exe -NoLogo -NoExit

-NoExit is not necessary as @Albin said, and you could create a desktop shortcut/batch file from it.

This message is part of the resource string embedded in Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost in the ManagedEntranceStrings.resources resource. The full message is

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Try the new cross-platform PowerShell https://aka.ms/pscore6

This is one string, not two, and there is no logic for picking a different banner.

Because the string is read as a resource, in theory you could create a new resource assembly and put it in C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\en-US. In practice you can't (even if you'd be willing to put new files in a system directory), because the main assembly is strong-named and installed in the GAC, which means you can't produce a satellite assembly that will load since you don't have the private key required for signing. It does, however, work -- I verified this by building such an assembly with delayed signing, but obviously that's not really a workable idea on a production system.

Replace command line argument in settings.json with this:

"commandline": "powershell.exe -NoLogo -NoExit -Command Write-Host Windows PowerShell`nCopyright `(C`) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.`n",


It disables original text, and writes what we need instead. If you want to write something else, use `n for new lines, and don't forget to add ` for escaping reserved symbols, like parentheses.

Different language example:

"commandline": "powershell.exe -NoLogo -NoExit -Command Write-Host Windows PowerShell`n`(C`) Корпорация Майкрософт `(Microsoft Corporation`). Все права защищены.`n",