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In PowerShell, how can I test if a variable holds a numeric value?



In PowerShell, how can I test if a variable holds a numeric value?

Currently, I'm trying to do it like this, but it always seems to return false.

add-type -Language CSharpVersion3 @'     public class Helpers {         public static bool IsNumeric(object o) {             return o is byte  || o is short  || o is int  || o is long                 || o is sbyte || o is ushort || o is uint || o is ulong                 || o is float || o is double || o is decimal                 ;         }     } '@  filter isNumeric($InputObject) {     [Helpers]::IsNumeric($InputObject) }  PS> 1 | isNumeric False 
like image 758
Damian Powell Avatar asked Jun 07 '12 08:06

Damian Powell

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1 Answers

You can check whether the variable is a number like this: $val -is [int]

This will work for numeric values, but not if the number is wrapped in quotes:

1 -is [int] True "1" -is [int] False 
like image 114
tophatsteve Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09
