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How do I find the 10 largest files in a directory structure



How do I find the 10 largest files in a directory structure?

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Ralph Shillington Avatar asked Apr 28 '09 13:04

Ralph Shillington

2 Answers

Try this script

Get-ChildItem -re -in * |   ?{ -not $_.PSIsContainer } |   sort Length -descending |   select -first 10 


The filter block "?{ -not $_.PSIsContainer }" is meant to filter out directories. The sort command will sort all of the remaining entries by size in descending order. The select clause will only allow the first 10 through so it will be the largest 10.

like image 142
JaredPar Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 06:10


This can be simplified a bit because Directories have no length:

gci . -r | sort Length -desc | select fullname -f 10 
like image 34
Keith Hill Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 07:10

Keith Hill