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summarize dataframe on multiple variable




I have below mentioned dataframe:

ID        Date            Status         Category
TR-1      2018-01-10      Passed         A
TR-2      2018-01-09      Passed         B
TR-3      2018-01-09      Failed         C
TR-3      2018-01-09      Failed         A
TR-4      2018-01-08      Failed         B
TR-5      2018-01-08      Passed         C
TR-5      2018-01-08      Failed         A
TR-6      2018-01-07      Passed         A

By utilizing the above given dataframe I want a output format as shown below:

The Date should be in descending order and the category sequence should be like C, A and B.

Date         count      distinct_count      Passed     Failed
2018-01-10   1          1                   1          0
    A        1          1                   1          0
    B        0          0                   0          0
    C        0          0                   0          0
2018-01-09   3          2                   1          2
    A        1          1                   1          0
    B        1          1                   1          0
    C        1          1                   1          0

To derive the above output, I have tried below code but it couldn't work and not able to get expected output.

Output<-DF %>%
  group_by(Date=Date,A,B,C) %>%
  summarise(`Count`  = n(),
            `Distinct_count` = n_distinct(ID),


structure(list(ID = structure(c(1L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 5L, 6L
), .Label = c("TR-1", "TR-2", "TR-3", "TR-4", "TR-5", "TR-6"), class = "factor"), 
    Date = structure(c(4L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 1L), .Label = c("07/01/2018", 
    "08/01/2018", "09/01/2018", "10/01/2018"), class = "factor"), 
    Status = structure(c(2L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L), .Label = c("Failed", 
    "Passed"), class = "factor"), Category = structure(c(1L, 
    2L, 3L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 1L, 1L), .Label = c("A", "B", "C"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("ID", 
"Date", "Status", "Category"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
like image 550
Vector JX Avatar asked Dec 04 '22 19:12

Vector JX

1 Answers

That was a tough one:

# I'm converting some variables to factors to get the "order" right and to fill in missing unobserved values later in dcast.
df1$Category <- factor(df1$Category, levels = unique(df1$Category))
date_lvls    <- as.Date(df1$Date, "%Y-%m-%d") %>% unique %>% sort(decreasing = TRUE) %>% as.character
df1$Date     <- factor(df1$Date, date_lvls)

# lets use data.table

# make a lookup table to deal with the duplicated ID issue. Not sure how to do this elegant
tmp <- dcast.data.table(df1, Date ~ ID, fun.aggregate = length)
tmp <- structure(rowSums(tmp[,-1] == 2), .Names = as.character(unlist(tmp[, 1])))

# precaution! Boilerplate incoming in 3, 2, .. 1
dcast.data.table(df1, Date + Category ~ Status, drop = FALSE)[
    ,`:=`(Failed=+!is.na(Failed), Passed=+!is.na(Passed))][
    , c("count","distinct_count") := rowSums(cbind(Failed,Passed))][
    , Category := as.character(Category)][
    , rbind(
        cbind(Category = as.character(Date[1]), count = sum(count), distinct_count = sum(distinct_count) - tmp[as.character(Date[1])], Passed = sum(Passed), Failed = sum(Failed)),
       , fill = TRUE), by = Date][
    , Date := NULL ][]


 #     Category count distinct_count Passed Failed
 #1: 2018-01-10     1              1      1      0
 #2:          A     1              1      1      0
 #3:          B     0              0      0      0
 #4:          C     0              0      0      0
 #5: 2018-01-09     3              2      1      2
 #6:          A     1              1      0      1
 #7:          B     1              1      1      0
 #8:          C     1              1      0      1
 #9: 2018-01-08     3              2      1      2
#10:          A     1              1      0      1
#11:          B     1              1      0      1
#12:          C     1              1      1      0
#13: 2018-01-07     1              1      1      0
#14:          A     1              1      1      0
#15:          B     0              0      0      0
#16:          C     0              0      0      0


structure(list(ID = c("TR-1", "TR-2", "TR-3", "TR-3", "TR-4", 
"TR-5", "TR-5", "TR-6"), Date = c("2018-01-10", "2018-01-09", 
"2018-01-09", "2018-01-09", "2018-01-08", "2018-01-08", "2018-01-08", 
"2018-01-07"), Status = c("Passed", "Passed", "Failed", "Failed", 
"Failed", "Passed", "Failed", "Passed"), Category = c("A", "B", 
"C", "A", "B", "C", "A", "A")), row.names = c(NA, -8L), class = "data.frame")

please note:

  • please run every line of code one after another. For this you can close every ENDING open bracket and run the line till the end: e.g.

    1. run : dcast.data.table(df1, Date + Category ~ Status, drop = FALSE)[]

    2. run : dcast.data.table(df1, Date + Category ~ Status, drop = FALSE)[ ,:=(Failed=+!is.na(Failed), Passed=+!is.na(Passed))][]

    3. ... till the end

    4. if then anything is unclear please ask me about this specific thing.

like image 61
Andre Elrico Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 15:12

Andre Elrico