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Substitute for mutate (dplyr package) in python pandas

Is there a Python pandas function similar to R's dplyr::mutate(), which can add a new column to grouped data by applying a function on one of the columns of the grouped data? Below is the detailed explanation of the problem:

I generated sample data using this code:

x <- data.frame(country = rep(c("US", "UK"), 5), state = c(letters[1:10]), pop=sample(10000:50000,10))

Now, I want to add a new column which has maximum population for US and UK. I can do it using following R code...

x <- group_by(x, country)
x <- mutate(x,max_pop = max(pop))
x <- arrange(x, country)

...or equivalently, using the R dplyr pipe operator:

x %>% group_by(country) %>% mutate(max_pop = max(pop)) %>% arrange(country)

So my question is how do I do it in Python using pandas? I tried following but it did not work

x['max_pop'] = x.groupby('country').pop.apply(max)
like image 229
saurav shekhar Avatar asked Dec 14 '16 16:12

saurav shekhar

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1 Answers

you want to use transform. transform will return an object with the same index as what's being grouped which makes it easy to assign back as a new column in that object if it's a dataframe.

x['max_pop'] = x.groupby('country').pop.transform('max')


import pandas as pd 

x = pd.DataFrame(dict(
    pop=[37088, 46987, 17116, 20484]
like image 58
piRSquared Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 23:10
