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Sublime Text with multiple windows: How to always open the same file in the same window?



Here is my ST3 setup:

I have one window with a set of tabs that I use to editing the source. I have another window with a set of tabs that I use to work with the resulting logs.

The problem I have is that if I close a log file tab, make changes to the source and then re-open the log file I closed, the tab opens in the source window, because the source window last had focus.

Is there a way of making Sublime Text remember the window that the file was last active in and therefore re-opening the file in the same window?

UPDATE: I should note that I'm on Windows.

Also, to explain further: Here is the setup (Window1 and Window2 are both Sublime Text Windows):

Window1: file1.cpp, file2.cpp, file2.h
Window2: app.log, server.log <- this window has focus while I look at the log

Now, I close app.log and make some changes to a cpp file. Here is the picture now

Window1: file1.cpp, file2.cpp, file2.h <- this window has focus now
Window2: server.log 

Next, I compile and run my app. app.log gets modified. I double-click it. Here's the new state:

Window1: file1.cpp, file2.cpp, file2.h, app.log <- this window has focus
Window2: server.log 

What I want to happen instead is:

Window1: file1.cpp, file2.cpp, file2.h (doesn't matter which window has focus)
Window2: server.log, app.log (app.log is back in Window2, where it was when I last closed it)

Is this possible at all on ST3? Being possible on ST3 on Windows would be ideal.

like image 583
Carl Avatar asked Nov 25 '13 19:11


2 Answers

on mac goto the sublime text > preferences > settings-default then find on line 301 usually this line "open_files_in_new_window": false, make sure its false, it might be set to true

like image 119
alex hoyle Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 17:10

alex hoyle

On Ubuntu too, you can do the same.

Here are the shortcuts

shift+alt+1 - 1 colomn
shift+alt+2 - 2 colomn 
shift+alt+3 - 3 colomn
shift+alt+4 - 4 colomn
shift+alt+5 - 4 GRID

and so on

like image 31
kamal Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 17:10
