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How to suppress Package Control Messages popup in Sublime Text 3

Ok, I've suffered long enough: I can't stand the Package Control Messages tab that pops up and grabs focus when I open ST3. You know, the one that looks like

Package Control Messages

Package Control:

  Version 3.0 Release Notes

Is there a way to suppress this popup?

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sorrell Avatar asked Apr 09 '15 18:04


People also ask

What is package control in sublime?

As you probably noticed on the homepage, Package Control is the Sublime Text package manager. It includes a list of over 2,500 packages available for install, and users can add any GitHub or BitBucket repository themselves. Once installed, packages are kept up-to-date automatically.

What are packages in Sublime Text 3?

Packages are a collection of resource files used by Sublime Text: plugins, syntax highlighting definitions, menus, snippets and more. Sublime Text ships with several packages, and more user created ones are available. Packages are stored in . sublime-package files, which are zip files with a different extension.

2 Answers

So, the only (hackish) way so far I've found to do this is to comment out a line in the Package Control package... hopefully someone responds with a better answer than this.

Better Way

  1. Install PackageResourceViewer from Package Control
  2. Open Resource via PackageResourceViewer -> Select Package Control
  3. Select package_control/package_manager.py to edit
  4. Comment out line self.print_messages(package_name, package_dir, is_upgrade, old_version, new_version) by putting a hash # in the front
  5. Save file.

Clunky Way

  1. Locate Package Control.sublime-package (on my machine [Linux] it's in ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Installed Packages) (on Win7 it's in c:\Users[YOUR_NAME]\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Installed Packages)
  2. Make a copy of this package in case you bork this process
  3. Unzip the package into a directory of your choosing (a .sublime-package is just a zipped archive)
  4. Open ./package_control/package_manager.py (notice it's a subfolder inside)
  5. Comment out line self.print_messages(package_name, package_dir, is_upgrade, old_version, new_version) by putting a hash # in the front
  6. Zip all files
  7. Rename new zip as Package Control.sublime-package
  8. Overwrite old package with your new package
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sorrell Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 12:09


The grabbing focus was annoying me as well. I got rid of it by disabling the auto-upgrade option of Package Control:

  1. Open Preferences: Package Control Settings - User
  2. Add the item "auto_upgrade": false

Note, you'll need to upgrade manually from now on by running Package Control: Upgrade Package

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andy Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09
