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Sublime Text 3: Removing build systems



This seems like such a simple task, but I've spent the last 40 minutes looking for an answer.

I'd like to delete a build system from Sublime Text 3. I've been searching for where ST3 stores their *.sublime-build. I can't find it via local search, documentation and other SO questions speak about ST2 (library/application support/sublime text...).

Could someone let me know how to remove build systems from ST3 on Mac Yosemite?

Thank you!

like image 596
ZAR Avatar asked Dec 07 '14 00:12


People also ask

How do I change the build system in Sublime Text 3?

sublime-build , and it will now be accessible in the build system menu. Select it, hit Ctrl B to build, and then hit Ctrl Shift B to run the resulting program. Or you can use a Build and Run option and call it by hitting Ctrl B , then selecting that option.

Where are sublime-build systems stored?

Sublime populates its Tools/Build System menu based on the “. sublime-build” files stored in the Sublime “Packages” directory. Should one need to locate this, it can be found in “~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/User” (if using OS X) or the corresponding Packages/User directory on other platforms.

What is build system in sublime?

Sublime Text provides build systems to allow users to run external programs. Examples of common uses for build systems include: compiling, transpiling, linting, and executing tests. Build systems are specified via JSON and saved in a file with the extension .sublime-build.

What does no build system mean in Sublime Text?

The message “No build system” means that the sublime-build file you created isn't valid JSON; hence Sublime can't load the file, so there's no build system.

1 Answers

  • OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/
  • Windows: %APPDATA%/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/
  • Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/

You can edit it by additional plugin like PackageResourceViewer

like image 111
Krzysztof Safjanowski Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09

Krzysztof Safjanowski