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Sublime Text - spell check but only certain file extensions

There's no point of enabling spell check for your html/js/css/c/php/py/etc files, but it can be very useful when you are writing in Markdown.

How to enable spell check only for only certain file extensions?

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Limon Monte Avatar asked Mar 11 '15 12:03

Limon Monte

People also ask

How do I Spell Check in Sublime Text?

To enable spell-check: click F6 or go to View->'Spell Check'. When spell-check is enabled, it displays red squiggles below the misspelled words. By right click on misspelled word you can correct the misspellings.

Why is spell checking not always accurate?

Spell check will not detect the improper use of homonyms, such as "their" and "there." Spell check may flag words as errors which are indeed correct. Spell check does not always offer useful spelling suggestions for severely misspelled words.

What is automatic spell checker?

A software program or program feature designed to locate misspelled words and notify the user of the misspellings. Depending on the spell checker, the feature may either autocorrect the word or allow the user to select from potential corrections on the misspelled word.

1 Answers

You can add a syntax specific setting:

  1. Open a file with the syntax you want to enable spell checking for (markdown).
  2. Open menu Preferences > Settings - More > Syntax Specific - User
  3. Set the content or add the spell_check setting:

    {"spell_check": true}

  4. Save

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sergioFC Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 08:10
