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Sublime Text 3 tab size per file type?

How do I configure the Sublime Text 3 settings so that a specific file type has its own tab size? I want ruby to 2 tab size, python = 4, C++ = 4, etc. How do I do this without manually doing so every time?

like image 535
Beast_Code Avatar asked Mar 11 '15 01:03


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To configure the tab width in Sublime Text 3, click on “View” in the top bar, then click on “Indentation” in the drop-down list. Next, in the second level of the drop-down list select the width you want a tab to take up. Sublime Text 3 defaults to tabs being four spaces wide.

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"cmd+f" => " "(two spaces) => "alt+enter" => "arrow right" => " "(two more spaces) => set tab width to 4(this can be done before or after. On windows or other platforms change cmd+f and alt+enter with whatever your find and select all hotkeys are.

How do I change the default indentation in Sublime Text 3?

Changing default indentation settings The following File Type Preferences determine the indentation settings: translateTabsToSpaces: set to either 'true' or 'false'. If true, then when tab is pressed, an equivalent number of spaces will be inserted into the buffer instead. Defaults to false.

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Select all code that you intend to indent, then hit Ctrl + ] in Sublime text to indent. For macOS users, use command + ] to indent, and command + [ to un-indent.

1 Answers

Do the following for each file-type:

1- Go to

Preferences -> Settings -> More -> Syntax Specific -> User 

Note: Might change slightly depending on your OS

2- Sublime-Text will open a file for editing, check the filename: should be called something like Python.sublime-settings.

3- Add the following content to the file and save it.

{     "tab_size": 4 } 
like image 171
JuanR Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
