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Is it possible to show the exact position in Sublime Text 2?

I've been learning Markdown, and using the Python Markdown package, which often returns the following when I try to convert text that has been pasted in from the web:

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u201c' in  position 1611: ordinal not in range(128) 

At the bottom of my editor I currently see this:

COMMAND MODE, Line X, Column Y 

Is there a setting in Sublime Text 2 that will show the full position (as in 1611 in the example above) at all times so I can quickly find the bad character?

like image 829
Brian Dant Avatar asked Oct 17 '12 21:10

Brian Dant

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1 Answers

You could make a simple python script to do this.

1. Save this code to your User folder as characterCounter.py (Preferences > Browse Packages > User):

import sublime, sublime_plugin  class PositionListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):   def on_selection_modified(self,view):     text = "Position: "     sels = view.sel()     for s in sels:         text += " " + str(s.begin())         if not s.empty():             text += "-" + str(s.end()) + " "     view.set_status('exact_pos', text) 

2. Then restart Sublime Text to have it loaded.

like image 123
Liam Cain Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 07:10

Liam Cain