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Sublime Text 3: AutoComplete from anywhere in whole project?

I am wondering if there's any way to get smart autocompletion from anywhere in a Sublime project? I found cool package called All Autocomplete which indexes open tabs for autocomplete... but I would love if it searched all files in project. I can't seem to get SublimeCodeIntel to do this... maybe because SublimeCodeIntel is giving me errors in Sublime's console panel?

EDIT: Actually, it seems to autocomplete sometimes. Other times I just get the mentioned SublimeCodeIntel eval errors in console panel?

like image 898
Jesse Leite Avatar asked Feb 24 '14 05:02

Jesse Leite

People also ask

How do I autocomplete in Sublime Text 3?

By default, Sublime Text will automatically show the completions popup when a user is editing source code or markup, but not within prose in comments, strings or markups. Pressing the Esc key will hide the completions popup. To manually show the completions popup, press Ctrl+Space.

Does Sublime Text have autocomplete?

From the Sublime Text docs: Auto complete shows the completion popup as you type, so you can fill in long words by typing only a few characters. It's enabled by default for source code and HTML (but only after entering a < character).

How do I add IntelliSense to Sublime Text?

Go to Preferences -> Settings - User and add the following (remove the last comma if it's the last entry in the array): "auto_complete": true, "auto_complete_commit_on_tab": true, "auto_complete_selector": "source, meta. tag", // you can make this "source - comment, meta.

1 Answers

Are you using PHP or Javascript? It can be enabling index project files: Preferences | Package Settings | SublimeCodeIntel | Settings – Default, change the codeintel_scan_files_in_project to true in PHP/Javascript.

like image 53
MaicolBen Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 04:10
