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How can I edit multiple files simultaneously with sublime?



I have many similar files where I want to be able to edit them all at once. Like with multiple cursors on one file but with single cursors on a couple of files. How can I do this?

like image 739
Ali Ikinci Avatar asked Sep 09 '14 08:09

Ali Ikinci

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To do so, you need to press Ctrl+K, then Ctrl+Shift+Up. You can repeat as many times as you like. Press Ctrl+K, then Ctrl+Shift+Up to open a new sub-window.

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To start, create a new group. Go to Replace > Add Group, and give your group a name. Right-click your group and select Add File(s)… to add the files and/or folders you want to edit. In the Files / Folder Properties, select your Source Type, i.e., a single file or folder, then choose the Source File / Folder Path.

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To view two row (horizontal) panes side-by-side use the shortcut SHIFT-ALT-UP-2 (PC) or SHIFT-OPTION-⌘-2 (Mac). Replace the last stroke with “3” to view three panes respectively. If you want to split a pane further, you can use ST3's “Group” feature.

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1 Answers

You could use ctrl + shift + f to bring up the find in files panel and simultaneously update files that contain the same find search term, however it is a blind search/replace function.

like image 100
Rob Avatar answered Dec 08 '22 03:12
