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Sublime Text 2 - Open folders

Is it possible to open multiple folders in the same window using Sublime Text 2?

Selecting File->Open Folder always opens the folder in a new window.

Sublime Text is an excellent editor, but this issue is a bit annoying.

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cmd Avatar asked Sep 14 '13 04:09


People also ask

How do I open multiple folders in Sublime Text?

Open one of the projects in Sublime Text just like you always do. Drag the root directory of the second project from the file explorer to the sidebar of the first project ST window. In your terminal cd to the second project and enter subl . -a .

1 Answers

You can use the Add folder to Project... item on the Project menu to open a folder in the current Sublime Text 2 window.

With Sublime Text 2, a project is always open, even if it is anonymous and unsaved.

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deltab Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10
