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Subclassing collections namedtuple


Python's namedtuple can be really useful as a lightweight, immutable data class. I like using them for bookkeeping parameters rather than dictionaries. When some more functionality is desired, such as a simple docstring or default values, you can easily refactor the namedtuple to a class. However, I've seen classes that inherit from namedtuple. What functionality are they gaining, and what performance are they losing? For example, I would implement this as

from collections import namedtuple  class Pokemon(namedtuple('Pokemon', 'name type level')):     """     Attributes     ----------     name : str         What do you call your Pokemon?     type : str         grass, rock, electric, etc.     level : int         Experience level [0, 100]     """      __slots__ = () 

For the sole purpose of being able to document the attrs cleanly, and __slots__ is used to prevent the creation of a __dict__ (keeping the lightweight nature of namedtuples).

Is there a better recommendation of a lightweight data class for documenting parameters? Note I'm using Python 2.7.

like image 915
BoltzmannBrain Avatar asked Jun 02 '17 03:06


People also ask

What does calling NamedTuple on a collection type?

The NamedTuple is another class, under the collections module. Like the dictionary type objects, it contains keys and that are mapped to some values. In this case we can access the elements using keys and indexes. To use it at first we need to import it the collections standard library module. import collections.

Can you subclass NamedTuple?

Python's namedtuple() is a factory function available in collections . It allows you to create tuple subclasses with named fields. You can access the values in a given named tuple using the dot notation and the field names, like in obj.

Is NamedTuple a class?

NamedTuple . The class created from typing.

When can you change the value of a NamedTuple?

Since a named tuple is a tuple, and tuples are immutable, it is impossible to change the value of a field.

1 Answers


In python 3.6+, you can use the new typed syntax and create a typing.NamedTuple. The new syntax supports all the usual python class creation features (docstrings, multiple inheritance, default arguments, methods, etc etc are available as of 3.6.1):

import typing  class Pokemon(MyMixin, typing.NamedTuple):     """     Attributes     ----------     name : str         What do you call your Pokemon?     type : str         grass, rock, electric, etc.     level : int         Experience level [0, 100]     """     name: str     type: str     level: int = 0 # 3.6.1 required for default args      def method(self):         # method work 

The class objects created by this version are mostly equivalent to the original collections.namedtuple, except for a few details.

You can also use the same syntax as the old named tuple:

Pokemon = typing.NamedTuple('Pokemon', [('name', str), ('type', str), ('level', int)]) 

Original Answer

Short answer: no, unless you are using Python < 3.5

The P3 docs seem to imply pretty clearly that unless you need to add calculated fields (i.e., descriptors), subclassing namedtuple is not considered the canonical approach. This is because you can update the docstrings directly (they are now writable as of 3.5!).

Subclassing is not useful for adding new, stored fields. Instead, simply create a new named tuple type from the _fields attribute...

Docstrings can be customized by making direct assignments to the __doc__ fields...


There are now a couple other compelling possibilities for lightweight data classes in the latest versions of Python.

One is types.SimpleNamespace (Python 3.3 and later). It is not structured like namedtuple, but structure isn't always necessary.

One thing to note about SimpleNamespace: by default it is required to explicitly designate the field names when instantiating the class. This can be got around fairly easily, though, with a call to super().__init__:

from types import SimpleNamespace  class Pokemon(SimpleNamespace):     """     Attributes     ----------     name : str         What do you call your Pokemon?     type : str         grass, rock, electric, etc.     level : int         Experience level [0, 100]     """     __slots__ = ("name", "type", "level")     # note that use of __init__ is optional     def __init__(self, name, type, level):         super().__init__(name=name, type=type, level=level) 

Another intriguing option- which is available as of Python 3.7 - is dataclasses.dataclass (see also PEP 557):

from dataclasses import dataclass  @dataclass class Pokemon:     __slots__ = ("name", "type", "level")     name: str  # What do you call your Pokemon?     type: str  # grass, rock, electric, etc.     level: int = 0  # Experience level [0, 100] 

Note that both of these suggestions are mutable by default, and that __slots__ is not required for either one.

like image 184
Rick supports Monica Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 03:11

Rick supports Monica