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What is the difference between MSP and Fabric CA?


Is Fabric CA an implementation of MSP? Is an MSP useless by itself?

What are the functions of the MSP and Fabric CA? And differences in those functions?

like image 932
Jeff Avatar asked Aug 14 '17 21:08


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What is MSP in fabric?

Membership Service Provider (MSP) is a Hyperledger Fabric component that offers an abstraction of membership operations. In particular, an MSP abstracts away all cryptographic mechanisms and protocols behind issuing certificates, validating certificates, and user authentication.

What is CA in Hyperledger fabric?

The Hyperledger Fabric CA is a Certificate Authority (CA) for Hyperledger Fabric. It provides features such as: registration of identities, or connects to LDAP as the user registry. issuance of Enrollment Certificates (ECerts)

What do you mean by MSP in Blockchain?

MSP is a modular component that is used to manage identities on the blockchain network. This provider is used to authenticate clients who want to join the blockchain network.

What is local MSP?

Local MSPs are defined for clients and for nodes (peers and orderers). Local MSPs define the permissions for a node (who are the peer admins who can operate the node, for example).

1 Answers

MSP is a Membership Service Provider - pluggable interface to support variety of credentials architectures, basically offering abstraction layer for membership orchestration architecture. MSP abstraction provides:

  1. Concrete identity format
  2. User credential validation
  3. User credential revocation
  4. Signature generation and verification

While Fabric-CA used to generate certificates and keys to actually initialize MSP facilities. Fabric-CA is a default implementation of MSP interface to cover identity management.

like image 136
Artem Barger Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 00:10

Artem Barger