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Structs, Interfaces and Boxing [duplicate]

People also ask

Are structs interfaces?

Structs and interfaces are Go's way of organizing methods and data handling. Where structs define the fields of an object, like a Person's first and last name. The interfaces define the methods; e.g. formatting and returning a Person's full name.

Does structs inherit from interfaces?

In addition, you must use an interface if you want to simulate inheritance for structs, because they can't actually inherit from another struct or class. You define an interface by using the interface keyword as the following example shows.

What is boxing a struct?

Boxing is the process of converting a value type to the type object or to any interface type implemented by this value type.

Can we implement interface in struct C#?

A class or a struct can implement one or more interfaces implicitly or explicitly. Use public modifier when implementing interface implicitly, whereas don't use it in case of explicit implementation. Implement interface explicitly using InterfaceName.

Jon's point is true, but as a side note there is one slight exception to the rule; generics. If you have where T : ISomeInterface, then this is constrained, and uses a special opcode. This means the interface can be used without boxing. For example:

public static void Foo<T>(T obj) where T : ISomeInterface {
    obj.Bar(); // Bar defined on ISomeInterface

This does not involve boxing, even for value-type T. However, if (in the same Foo) you do:

ISomeInterface asInterface = obj;

then that boxes as before. The constrained only applies directly to T.

Yes, it is. Basically whenever you need a reference and you've only got a value type value, the value is boxed.

Here, ISomeInterface is an interface, which is a reference type. Therefore the value of someVariable is always a reference, so the newly created struct value has to be boxed.

I'm adding this to hopefully shed a little more light on the answers offered by Jon and Marc.

Consider this non-generic method:

public static void SetToNull(ref ISomeInterface obj) {
    obj = null;

Hmm... setting a ref parameter to null. That's only possibly for a reference type, correct? (Well, or for a Nullable<T>; but let's ignore that case to keep things simple.) So the fact that this method compiles tells us that a variable declared to be of some interface type must be treated as a reference type.

The key phrase here is "declared as": consider this attempt to call the above method:

var x = new SomeStruct();

// This line does not compile:
// "Cannot convert from ref SomeStruct to ref ISomeInterface" --
// since x is declared to be of type SomeStruct, it cannot be passed
// to a method that wants a parameter of type ref ISomeInterface.
SetToNull(ref x);

Granted, the reason you can't pass x in the above code to SetToNull is that x would need to be declared as an ISomeInterface for you to be able to pass ref x -- and not because the compiler magically knows that SetToNull includes the line obj = null. But in a way that just reinforces my point: the obj = null line is legal precisely because it would be illegal to pass a variable not declared as an ISomeInterface to the method.

In other words, if a variable is declared as an ISomeInterface, it can be set to null, pure and simple. And that's because interfaces are reference types -- hence, declaring an object as an interface and assigning it to a value type object boxes that value.

Now, on the other hand, consider this hypothetical generic method:

// This method does not compile:
// "Cannot convert null to type parameter 'T' because it could be 
// a non-nullable value type. Consider using 'default(T)' instead." --
// since this method could take a variable declared as, e.g., a SomeStruct,
// the compiler cannot assume a null assignment is legal.
public static void SetToNull<T>(ref T obj) where T : ISomeInterface {
    obj = null;